Spread The Vibe (163)
A little positivity
abhyused.blogspot.com - A post about some good work being done in rural Bihar by NGOs in the field of literacy.
iwritenidhi.wordpress.com - I lost faith in humanity. But yes, today I believe there are good human being and all the credit goes to some words from Naresh Karutura.
Spread the vibe- all good needs to be talked about
shreshar.blogspot.com - my entry for youth ki awaaz contest
Woman Power
rahulsblogandcollections.blogspot.com - The tales of inspiration continue to grab our eyeballs even when there is a deluge of negativity both in print media and television. The narratives of corruption, rapes, murder, scandals do not have...
Its Time To Inspire
sriramraj.com - Inspiration is what the young and youth of our country needs. This article shares some of the most cherished moments I had with young engineers of our country
The Nonpareil of Kindness and Selflessness!!
namrota.blogspot.com - An act of kindness can be very inspiring.
A Tribute To 2015 - A Paen to India's Youth
wwwitiuvacha.blogspot.com - 2015 rang strong with the voice of the youth in India, be it initiatives for the underprivileged, acts of heroism or political activism.
Gram Pari - Rural Inspiration
knowledgeproductivity.blogspot.com - Post on how Gram Pari inspires rural youth and women towards Productivity and better livelihoods.
Spread The Vibe & Feed The Hungry
maliveandkicking.com - Roti Bank by Mumbai Dabbawallas is a unique initiative to avoid wastage of food and also to combat hunger in society..
#SpreadTheVibe: When people gave way to save a...
mobilesandgadgets4ever.blogspot.com - "Always give way to ambulance" is what we all are taught but unfortunately, not many follow this advice. In early 2015, it was noticed that the mishaps due to the late arrival of the...