#SpreadtheVibe - Contest
'Share positive stories of change that have inspired you and win amazing prizes!'
Flipkart vouchers up for grabs!
Reason: typos
Lo and behold! The first IB contest of 2016 :)
yayay.. Indeed a god start of the year..But whats the word count?
Do you limit your mind creativity with words limit? No? Then why this question? Writing a blog means writing down your inner voice.. there's no limit to that.. Isn't it?
Dude! DJust a general question..
The question may be araised due to IB generally mention minimum 450 words for the each contest's post...thus...
Thanks HR :) .. I dont see any reason for anyone to question ones creativity or calibre on a generic question raised...
I am not questioning the capabilities of anyone. I am just saying in general if you want to win this contest, will you limit your creativity with a word limit if Indi says so? However for years now, Indi don't say anywhere that there is any word limit for any contest post. And plz don't mind my words..
Welcome Swarna... May be something misunderstood or guiding further for better views. I too somewhat got confused on what you are saying / written as "Indeed a god start of the year", or it is supposed to be "Indeed a good start of the year". Anyhow, both the statements are correct
@ Ankit, IB used to generally mention minimum 450 words in the guideline but for the past very few contests didn't mentioned thus question araised. See here, this contest too clearly says about 450 words...https://www.indiblogger.in/topic.php?topic=186
Ohh yeah HR.. My lappy is troubling me for sometime.. lol.. Sorry for the typo though..
Ankit check the facts right.. every contest mentions the word limit.. and on that context i raised this question..
Since there is no assured voucher for every entry, there is no minimum word count!
cool..Thanks Renie for the clarification..:)
Positive vibes ...the need of the hour ..nice contest
I thought the first contest of year 2016 will be an Happy Hour.Anyways this one also seems interesting.
It says, "What is one such story that has inspired you in 2015? "
-- So are we supposed to write about positive changes done in 2015 itself or of anytime which read in 2015, inspired us?
Lol, this must sound weird, but have this doubt! Please enlighten @Renie or IB guys :)
Positive changes done in 2015!
Why does it say tweet about it? We write a blogpost right?
U also need to tweet ur blogpost link after IB Submission
And tweet with the hashtag too :)
Great start...best thing is we will get to read many such positive stories through this Contest!! winning reward is bonus for those who win!!
wow! Nice contest!
I'm crossing my figers as last two times my post was swept under the carpet and I lost the chance!
hi, i am a newbie. have participated in this spread the vibe contest but not able to see my post. when i tried to re-submit, i got a response that the post in already active on indivine. why so?
Hey Jaymala Don't worry, your contest entry is very much safe and will show up on the Indivine list only after it gets moderated for the contest and the results are declared (that's how Indivine works for the contests). So you need not submit it a second time. Now usually the results of the contests get declared in about two months (though of late in a couple of contests, the results came out pretty quickly - in a few weeks). So you will have to wait till that long to see your post on the Indivine list
I would like to ask :
do I need to write the post from my blog??? How will I add it here?
and the wordcount?
thanks :)
Yes, Zainab, after writing the post on your blog, you will then be required to submit the url link of your post on the contest page through the SUBMIT button. Have a look -
Go to the contest page and click on the Submit your entry button
You will be taken to the category selection page, click on PROCEED button,
On the last page - http://i.imgur.com/IxJ8b0J.jpgYou will then be asked to enter details about your blog post like its url, its title, a short description and tags. After entering in those details, click on SUBMIT POST button at the bottom and voila, your entry will be submitted! Good luck for the contest
Oh, btw, as Renie pointed out there is no wordcount.
43 posts already!
This contest easily fits into my blog niche. I submitted my entry, hope you will like my story!
The contest rule says i need to have my post linked to youthkiawaz. how does one do that ?
Eager to reda the entries, but these aren't yet displayed.
Read some post today morning... Wonderful.... It really helps to restore faith in humanity. Well done to all the bloggers, Indiblogger and Youth ki Awaaz for such an amazing contest. All the best to everyone.
2 entries out of 186 posts for 28 vouchers. not a good probability on my side i guess :P
If you are having problem with my link. Please contact the admin.
So many of us who really think that yes we can change India. A little effort from our side matters. No matter what the world says India is a great country. We just need to change our frame of reference. Thanks to this patform that gave me an opportunity to #spread the vibe. I have read few stories and will read more of them. All of them are just full of positive mesaage and goodwill of our country. Great work guys. Keep it up. :)
My story: https://27writers.wordpress.com/2016/01/06/electrical-inspiration/
Yes we can together.
you are not allowed to post your links here... Its called "Shamless self promotion"
Dont do it again pls
Same with me :(
Probably in 2017