A poem - it may be spontaneous, it may be deliberate - but it moves us all. Share a poem that left a lasting impression on you. It might be a classic, or it might be your own or it might be from a fellow blogger. Choice is yours.
Poems Heal, Poems Probe - Poems Teach us to be...
istoppedtosmellarose.blogspot.com - Poetry speaks to us on many levels and that too from childhood. A few thoughts on poetry and sharing some gems from the world of poetry.
Fact of life...!!!
jumbledhead.blogspot.com - Though we may be coming across many thing in life, but there is only one fact in life. Read here to realize it.. Do post your comments if it is so..!!!
Devi Shakti
deepmkerj.blogspot.com - O Devi! Descend here! Carry on your march in the Self of my Self.
A Poem by an unknown poet
jeeteraho.blogspot.com - Somebody was terribly nostalgic like me and penned these pensive lines..
My Cute Grandma
pixelsinlife.blogspot.com - Here is a poem that I had written for my Grandma who is no more :(
आग़ाज़ से ना डर
parasharzboy.com - A hindi poetry to describe the quote "The beginning is always the hardest".
उड़ान: #poem
doc2poet.wordpress.com - एक कविता कई कहानियाँ कहती है और ये कहानी है मेरे सपनों की उड़ान की…