Which bad habit of Indians would you like to change for our India?
No Spitting
anitaexplorer.com - Maintaining our Incredible India should be everyone's responsibility. Spoiling, Damaging, Littering, Pissing, Spitting... such a pity...
Wake Up INDIA !
sweetsharing.com - The habits that Indians need to shed in order to see the changes they always wanted . Its a wake up call - Wake up India !
What Indians Lack : Love (Period)
sunshineandblueclouds.blogspot.com - One thing according to me which we lack is - National Character. Rashtriya Charitra. Lack of it give rise to all other evils.
Some Disgusting Habits of Indians
anmolrawat.blogspot.com - I just don’t know how I can pick just one. There are so many things that I hate and ironically those people responsible for it are proud of their disgusting deeds.
Chalta Hai
jambudweepam.blogspot.com - You can fool some people all the time and I had managed to fool my organization into thinking that I was an expert on financial modeling. Now that I had quit, they had retained me as consultant, and...
Welcome To India! Where Everyone Is Discriminated...
petrichorandclouds.blogspot.com - Racism in India is so prevalent and so poisonous that it’s practically a habit we live by. We cannot meet a person and not form opinions about him based solely on his surname. That’s just...
5 Things to Work On In Life: Change: Better Self...
dilkisunao.blogspot.com - People who adopt change quickly are always admired and well accepted as leaders.
Quit Being A Stereotype
lancequadras.blogspot.com - One bad habit most of us Indians have is in the form of stereotypical thinking.
Inredible Indiahhhh!! Part One!!
dattaghosh.blogspot.com - Out of many one bad habit that's visibly annoying