A job, a house, a spouse,a child, a car/bike, morning visit to market then office, work loads,sometime outings...is this all about life, what's your view towards life, share your philosophy of life,how should life be?
What is your purpose in life? A journey towards...
tinytidbits.in - I have often wondered about the infallibility of time. Its ability to go on and on with or without us. Like an arrow shot from a cosmic bow, it is traveling since eternity towards an unknown target…33
Philosophy of Life Disclosed...!!!
jumbledhead.blogspot.com - A blog for reflecting common human's thought62
189 . ज़िंदगी का कोई...
samaysakshi.in - #IndiSpire आज इंडिस्पायर पर सुझाए गए विषय के आधार पर, आलेख लिखने का प्रयास कर रहा...70
उम्मीद थी गुलबों...
probinglife.blogspot.com - उम्मीद थी गुलबों की,वास्ता पड़ा है काँटों से, उम्मीद थी उजलों की,वास्ता...70
कभी कभी कुछ जाने...
probinglife.blogspot.com - कभी कभी कुछ जाने पहचाने , अंजाने से लगते हैं I कभी कभी कुछ रातों के...58