Regretting the past and worrying about the future will further flatten the time in which you are living and celebrate today and try to employ the most of it.Write a post on the celebration of Today ..This moment is the only truth.
मृत कल अौर अजन्मा... - Dead yesterday n unborn tomorrow , why fret about them , if today be sweet.मृत कल अौर अजन्मे कल की चिंता क्यों? गर आज मधुर,...68
The secret of living - Living in the Present - The secret of living that gives us real happiness, true contentment and an actual purpose to live our lives - is to live in the present moment.77
Here and Now - Since ancient times, volumes have been written and spoken revolving around the importance of living in the present moment. In spite of all these talks and practices, scientifically speaking, the...58
Never Again Forget To Ceebrate! - The time to celebrate is NOW coz today is the gift that's WOW :)65
Celebrating Today - .Nothing. like living fully in the present...68
"Celebrate Today'---My Perspective - actually there is no independent existence of “today”, what you call “today” is the result of your previous thoughts, activities and life style, you never can deny your past.77
GLIMPSES OF THE DYNAMIC MOMENT OF MY LIFE.. - A few thoughts in this direction..50
Why Celebrate Today #CelebrateTodayThisMoment - Why celebrate today when you have to live tomorrow? First of all, the past is past. So, there is no point in repenting on what you could not achieve or do. And similarly, there is no point in...57