Take this poetic challenge.Mask and masks, masks everywhere. What is it that the mask tries to hide? put it in prose poem, poetry, micro-poem, haiku or anything lyrical.
चेहरे पर चेहरा...
rekhasahay.wordpress.com - अपने मनोभावों को मुखौटों के पीछे छुपाना हमारी आदत बन चुकी है। ना जाने कितने...77
sreedharb.blogspot.com - Sure I need to wear this mask and it's a duty with me on this date!54
Masks on Mask
thestylesymphony.com - A poem on the plight of a woman who wants to survive in this ostentatious world but doesn't want to loose her vitality.73
The Love Song of Masks
matheikal.blogspot.com - Let us go then, you and I, When the evening threatens with phantoms...68
The Sweet Poison
tinytidbits.in - And when the vicious fangs come out to lick their glasses gulping in one try, revealed the bloodshot eyes that were hidden now shining ominously under the moonless sky.50
Wear Your Mask and Welcome on the Stage of Life...
pebbleinthestillwaters.com - Wear your mask and Welcome on the stage of life. Wear your mask and play your game. Wear your mask of your own choice, and play the game you like most.65
Beware of these masks
dashingbytes.blogspot.com - Oh! what kinds of violence are not justified in the name of peace?59