Wordpress Smart People
when we are sharing articles on digg and stumbleupon the link of the blog appears and not the blog title. any help :)
1.Try adding the heading manually,because digg and stumble upon asks you to fill them.
2.Use onlywire to submit
Jobin i am trying manually but the problem remains :(
find Subhashchy on this forum. He might know. Wordpress expert hai.
Come on Rumbaho, I am very new to wordpress. i m not expert.
So, assuming the OP's issue is resolved. I have an issue.
I asked my hosting provider to upgrade PHP & MySQL. The latest wordpress version (3.2.1) requires this.
They have asked me permission to move the blog to another server which has upgraded versions of both. They cannot upgrade on the same server since other sites may get impacted negatively by the upgrade. So they want to move me to a newer server.
Now, here are the queries:
1. Will the effect the Page Rank of "1" that I have got FINALLY
2. Does this impact the site credentials or rankings in any way?
Even if these are foolish questions, I am only asking because I don't know.
Pls lemme know whether I should agree to the hosting provider's suggestion.
page rank is for your domain name, as long as you r not changing your domain name no worries. For your safer side, I would not trust my hosting provider and take a backup manually of all the files and database. Very eay to do so, just open php-my-admin and export your database (If you dont know how, let me know or ping me on gtalk) and then finally compress all the files using filemanager and download on local system before you give a go-ahead for upgrade.
PS: Make sure to use the same permalink structure you have now on the new server if incase changed while moving servers(By your host).
Feel free to ask any clerification.
hmm. well, they are saying I don't have to do anything. There will be no downtime.
And I just took a backup 3 days ago. I guess, I'll give them the go-ahead.
cool then... hope it get fixed soon..
A much easier way to do it is using a secure shell connection(if you have permission). Just tar your whole public_html folder and use mysqldump to backup the complete DB. Then you can either download it to your local machine and then upload to the new server or you can use wget. But I disagree to @subhashchy that you cannot trust your hosting server.
I use hostgator and trust them more than myself (though technically I am quite strong). Everytime I screw up my blog, they come up with a solution. But it might depend from one host to the other. Hope everything goes fine.
I have no idea what you said. It's all greek to me.
But my host has done it all for me without downtime (not that it would have mattered).