Details about various ways in which your readers & friends can track your blog?
Reason: Apologies. Goofed up big time. Google connect automatically subscribes (counted as goog subscription) & collects 4 u d feeds of blogs u r following which can be accessed in google reader or blogger buzz section in Dashboard. Hence modified the topic.
No one has subscribed mine through RSS feeds :-(
Email option I have yet to enable in my blog.
I don't think it's a question of real vs not real subscription. Facebook, Google Connect and other tracking sites all use the RSS feed of the site.
It's not as if you can count them as subscribers ONLY if they use Feedburner. The idea is to offer as many different ways for them to reach your blog. And since all of them use the feed anyway, so long as you don't send your entire post onto the feeder, they will still reach your blog.
I follow the blogs of the people on my network via IB, which is also using the RSS feed. I also use Google Connect, Technorati and Firefox Live Bookmarks. Out of the close to 25-30 blogs I follow, I don't use Feedburner RSS/email for any of them. Does that mean I'm not "really" a subscriber?
@Pushkar: Now replying to the modified topic....
I don't think I will be able to list out all the different options that people can follow/track blogs. So, will list out the ones that our blog offers: Feedburner feed and email, Technorati, Blogcatalog and Facebook Networked Blogs. In addition, our blog subscribers are using Firefox Live Bookmarks, Bloglines and Google Feedfetcher.
My favourite way to track blogs is FF Live Bookmarks. The most popular way for our subscribers to track our blog seems to be Facebook Networked Blogs (based on the numbers in each option).
Does this help? Answer your question?
पुष्कर, जितने अधिक हो सके, उतने ब्लोग एग्रिगेटर में अपने ब्लोग को जमा करा दें।
मैंने अपने हिंदी ब्लोगों को चिट्ठाजगत, ब्लोगवानी, नारद, ब्लोगरामा, इंडीब्लोगर आदि, आदि में जमा करके रखा है।
इससे जैसे ही मैं अपने ब्लोग में कोई पोस्ट लिखता हूं, ये सब उसकी सूचना अपने पृष्ठों में छाप देते हैं, जिससे कई लोगों तक उसकी जानकारी पहुंच जाती है।
आप भी ऐसा ही करें। इंडिब्लोग के अलावा, अंग्रेजी ब्लोग ब्लोगअड्डा, ब्लोगकैटलोग आदि में स्वीकार किए जाते हैं।
यदि blog aggregator के साथ गूगल सर्च करें, तो और भी ऐसे एग्रिगेटरों की जानकारी मिल जाएगी।
जहां तक आरएसस आदि का संबंध है, यदि आपका ब्लोग ब्लोगस्पोट में है, और आपने अपने ब्लोग की सेटिंग ठीक से की है, तो गूगल इन सबको अपने आप ही संभाल लेता है।
फीडबर्नर में भी अपने ब्लोग को जमा करा दें।
@ Pushkar and Leon: Networked Blogs is a Facebook application that allows your readers to follow your blog directly from Facebook. It's an RSS feeder that send your post/post summary to their FB account. The added advantage is that you can create a tab on your FB profile to promote your blog as well.
When you say newsletter, does that mean something like a weekly roundup of all your blog posts? In that case, change your Feedburner settings to send your blog only on Mondays or whichever day you want. That way, all email subscribers will only get a weekly newsletter.
For category wise feed on Blogger, check out: Wordpress has that option too and I believe it's simpler than Blogger.
Amit at Labnol is a blogger advice genius, you might also want to track Amanda Fazani and Problogger.
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