Giver of money is more guilty than receiver ? Debate

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

The cardinal principal in corruption is that bribing or giver is more guilty than reciever to get things done.  I believe the present campaign of Anna is against corruption forced or coerced upon.  If any official or individual demands money to get things done than it is unethical.  Some Corporates and high income group get their things done in a jiffy by greasing the palms of the beaucrats, it is when the rights of underprivileged is trampled upon, or justice is bought by manipulating evidence, that corruption shows its ugly dimension. One has wait in the queue patiently to get things done. If one wants it out of turn than one resorts to bribing.  Debate guys

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Modern india is having a new beginning with brand Anna A Smile

My philosophy may look berserk. Self appeasing. But it is, as it is. Revered Anna Ji or ramdeo Ji , endless points are there and after their demands are met new avenues will be taken up by them. Question remains : holding the country senate at ransom. Are laws inefficient ? no. It's just judiciary is slow. Need of hour is to spruce up brisk actions against culprits. This would instil confidence among people. Thi
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

If China can hang culprits convicted of corruption, what prevents us from enacting a draconian law ?  First is to sieze the property of the accused than initiate action, at least jail term of 10 years should act as deterrent.

from Thane
13 years ago

I  totally agree with your point Umesh.I have ,infact, written a blog post highlighting the same it is.

Inspired by you Umesh Ji, I feel I should cash in my connections with God. All donations ( bribes) can be given anywhere in the world as God is everywhere. No questions asked. He will get section 80cc full tax exemptions. I will provide their unison with God with concotions prepared for Socrates, poison bowl in gold. You may be wondering a person contesting for meager Dell laptop, with these powers. But no, it was God who personally said to me, Son, do you want laptop now or a trip to Las Vegas two years later. I bowed down at him and said, God , you are the only person who can bribe me, no earthlings have the guts to bribe a Lohia,
I hope this is not taken as shameless self promotion,
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Donations given to god or trust is currently exempted, but it should not exceed 5% of the income. Smile  I personally feel if all the income and wealth accumulated by corrupt politicians are seized, we need not pay income tax all ?  How about that line of thought

Debajyoti Datta
Debajyoti Datta
from Kolkata
13 years ago

On topic, I think an act of bribery is a reciprocal system. People are taking bribes because there are is at least one who is willing to give a bribe. Actually we can analyze it even further. Say in situation one there are more people willing to give bribes than those unwilling then we can say more often than not the bribe giver is the initiator of the process of bribing.

In scenario two both the bribe giver and bribe taker are equally likely to engage in an act of bribery. In such a scenario they are both accomplices of the act, both benefitting from the act of bribery.

In scenario three, it is the bribe taker who extorting to give bribe. In my opinion this scenario will not persist for long as the number of people who are unwilling to give bribe but are forced to will be large and given time they will speak up.

So what is the scenario in India? Being a cynic I have to say it is perhaps scenario one or two where people are willing to give bribe.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Act of bribery is largely reciprocal, we don t wanna to stand in the queue and want things in a jiffy, neither the system has deadlines for work to be completed.  If the work deadlines are adhered to maybe within a week, it would bring in committment and responsibility.

Debajyoti Datta
from Kolkata
13 years ago

I think it will be an interesting topic for a psychologist or social scientist to look into. Are we really against corruption or are we oppurtunists, waiting to bribe our way to get something?

from Delhi NCR
13 years ago

I would say... I will love to give a Green note rather than standing in lines specially at govt offices.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Shortcut to success, show Gandhi's currency as a bait Lolz.  You believe in Jugad Smile

Chaitanya Kulkarni
Chaitanya Kulkarni
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Its not always that corporates would have to grease the bureaucracy, often its the bureaucracy which actually demands for it. Jugad exists because we make ourselves unaware of our own rights. If each and everyone stands up against corruption this long line at govt. offices won't exist at all. Hopefully we actually read the Janlokpal and the draft proposed by the govt. and give our opinions. Have a look here:

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