Indian Bloggers Against Corruption (IBAC) INDIMEET

Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh
from Mumbai
13 years ago

       We all are well aware of the scene outside! and almost all of us have already BLOGGED bout it! but is blogging enough? Aren't we supposed to be actually physically present there and contribute towards the revolt? just sitting in an air-conditioned comfy cabin and typing on our laptops/Pc is not enough! We organize bloggermeets when we don't need them at all! but when the country needs us, we just don't give a damn! we need to organize an Indimeet against corruption and supposrt Anna Hazareji. I cannot do this alone! I need more people to co-operate with me! Just sitting on one side of the computer and criticizing the government is not worthy anymore! We need to be a part of this change and not just be a witness! please spread the word.....lets have an INDIMEET against corruption in every city

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Well i am willing to join the meet in Blore, all the best for your effort, good thought Smile

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