What about posting a topic against corruption.....

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Just got an idea while sitting on my chair in front of TV.....with my ears to Times Now News Channel. I had been following news since 3 days now.

Why not each one of us dedicate a single post in support of Anti Corruption movement....It's just a food of thought and I am sure you would want to do that....so who is stopping you!!!!

So reply this topic with commitment and date when you are going to come up with this post. The electronic media campaign against corruption will only become stronger by doing this...

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Oh I have already posted, I am not supporting IAC team and from 3 days tolerating insult from Anna followers, istead of arguing on points many of them just insult others to shut the mouth. But I honestly feel, isn't it corruption, if I am not supporting him still just by fear of his supporters I stop myself from writing the truth, what I see what I feel? 

Ya but it's good to write an in depth article against corruption surely. I haven't done that but have some comprehensive articles about my expectation from leaders.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Mohini it motive of the movement rather than who is leading, Anna has become a symbol or rallying point.  Actually if you look at the flip side, if nobody gives than automatically corruption will die its natural death.  It is more directed at big corporates and wealthy individuals who get their things done by greasing the palm Smile  Even justice is bought

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Hey Mohini,

My topic does not state anything about Anna Followers...it states writing against corruption. Favouring Anna is a personal opinion and no one can influence it.

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Wow.....u made the conversation so light by mentioning photography.


from Bangalore
13 years ago

Believe in action, believe in yourself....

My post for fight against corruption... it also includes the famous Lead india campaign, the Lokpal movement...

tum chalo toh hindustan chale...



lemme know about s post..


Prasan babli ;)


from Dubai
13 years ago

I think some people are extrapolating the claims of team IAC. Nobody is claiming that Janlokpal bill will solve all the problems pertaining to corruption. Its only first step. Point no.2 there's a huge misconception that team IAC is pushing only for their own version of bill. No. 3, lot of people are talking why Anna and team IAC is not talking abt issue A, corruption due to xyz, which I think is fairly inane point. Fourth, some parties with vested interests are trying to accuse the common-man, that common-man is corrupt from head to toe, so he does not have right to expect politicians to be saint, is a fairly simplistic statement. We cant compare the corruption of Rs.50/100 to that of Rs.50/100 thousand of crores, under any circumstances. 

My 2 cents ' The Sotry of Magnifying Glass'

from Dubai
13 years ago

srry for the typo guys, got carried away Smile. I think the link still works 

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Giver is more guilty than taker in case of corruption Smile  If one is forced to give money to get things done than it is corruption by coercion which needs to be rooted out.

from New Delhi
13 years ago

I posted about the movement led by Anna Hazare, because it is this movement that has made media crazy with live coverages from Ramlila ground and has made people give it a serious thought. Here is a step to spread the message further.



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