How can you root out corruption ? Debate

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Just saw this awesome movie Aarakshan which silently gets into rooting out corruption in education.  Just imagine the burgeoning cost of education and mushrooming of coaching classes, education has become a business, whether it is for forward or backward classes, only those who can afford it can go for it.  Imagine what will be doctor or engineer do after shelling out close 50 lakhs for his education, how is he going to recover the investment ?  If all the parents decide that they will get rid of coaching classes and will not pay capitation fee than we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

At the end of the day when investigation takes place of a corrupt employee or individual, if he or she is probed than the justification would be he did for sake of his or her children, he could not afford their cost of education, can we see some changes or educational reform. Air your opinion guys.

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
from goa
13 years ago

Till congress is ruling this country corruption will prevail. I am not saying other party politicians are clean but congress actually has no fear. Why do you think it is opposing the lokpal bill presented by Anna Hazare. It doesnt make sense actually. Last time anna had a fast i did not know people near me where participating but his time i am not going to miss the oppurtunity i will be  going to the fast on 16th august and i appeal to every responsible indian to do so. i will be also placing a lokpal support banner on my blog.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

BJP government has a good history of corruption (and worse in Modi's government) during their time IIRC.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Politics is only reflection on majority.  I feel personally one has to get into the root of corruption, or the need for corruption.  The burden of education is immense on the parents, first of all legitimate educational expense should be made totally tax free, secondly an individual should not be burdened more than 50% of his income on education of his children.  This can be linked to family planning to an extent.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

# Redtape: You simply want some things to be done quickly.# Getting access: Some people don't get admission in colleges (whether they have good marks or not- both cases). You cough up some money and your life is set. Reservation quota making things worse.# Getting out of trouble: Self explanatory.Remove redtape is difficult, so is abolishing reservations. I think the max what the govt. should do is bear fees and other educational charges for the minority provided their family cannot provide it rather than favouring someone on a basis of religion/caste. In 1 college a particular caste is a minority, and in some other college, a religion which practically hold 1/3rd of the population is deemed as minority :P. Dude, you drag the population from my religion in a corner, we can easily occupy rought about 4-5 states. Minorities have also coughed up some money, provided they have a strong political link. By max, sports quota- or maybe freedom fighter quota.

Abolishing bribe is impossible. Just how many will feel the civil sense of honour and duty towards your locality and its people, if not the entire country??Corruption is everywhere. Go to that register office where you get your property documents registers: for ownership and renting out in Bandra East, next to family court. If you don't pay up a particular amount of money, it will be pushed behind: 1 week or 2 to get things done. What would people prefer? saving 5k-15k depending on they look at things- that's usually beared by own lanlord/seller and tenant/buyer (usually the case)- or wait for 3-4 weeks (hopefully)??Redtape can be reduced to a certain extent. But its going to bring the statistics down. Remember, we have a very large population.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I agree with Socerer, ( pl do reveal your real name dear ) whichever party comes to power corruption cannot be ruled out.  See the example of BJP in karnataka.

Jude Lopez
Jude Lopez
from Ernakulam
13 years ago

EDUCATION ladies and gentleman thats something which with sticter policies and transparent procedures will help to curb corruption...

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Doubted. Educated people have taken corruption to new level- towards the corporate level. They follow a flow of system (yeah, imagine that) but its corruption nevertheless.

Jude Lopez
from Ernakulam
13 years ago

not just the normal education, something that helps people develop values in them, such an education i believe will help!

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Does education teach anything called ethics? Some say newer gens don't learn anything about ethics.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Jan Lokpal bill will be toothless unless it addresses the root of corruption.  Let us identify the fields which has maximum corruption and target them.  Govt depts such as land registration, RTO, Cops, including judiciary should be focus of attention.  

Yogesh Vashist
Yogesh Vashist
from New Delhi
13 years ago

do u know Kapil sibbal he is an IASand in ruling and corrupted party now?

so now do't say if people will be educated then there will not be any corruption. 

from Bangalore
13 years ago
  • make 50 years of age to be mandatory retirement age for all politicians across the country. 
  • Ban/Eliminate PSEUDO Gandhi's
  • Politicians must not have any other form of employment apart from politics atleast during their elected tenure +2years before and after elections.

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