How to promote my blog in indiblogger?

from Cochin
13 years ago


I am new to Indiblogger. Kindly provide your valuable suggestions to promote my blogs...

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Delhi NCR
13 years ago

See try to sunmit your posts at Indivine, and keep commenting and interatcing with bloggeres here so that they recognise you and your blog!

from Cochin
13 years ago

Thanks Ankit.... will surely do it..!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Agree with Ankit.. there are many people here who are willing to read and appreciate your work. You could put your post in Indivine and check out other posts too! Post genuine comments. Improve your participation in the forum. Important thing to remember is genuineness, that's the key and give it time, have patience . You already have a nice blog Remya, Keep writing good, and keep appreciating others.. Keep blogging :)

from Cochin
13 years ago

Thanks Arti for the words of appreciation... will surely try to be an active blogger, both in writing my own and reading others... thanks for the support :)

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