Google your Blog title!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

What do you see when you key in your blog title in Google?

I did that yesterday and was quite pleasantly surprised to find out that the first result which directs to the home page of my blog showed up 8 sub results below it! (I think it’s a good sign for a site and was quite happy about it Cool).

From the total number of results on the search page, 4 were directly from my site. 2 were from and 1 from digg, bloglovin, addyourblog and wepostalot each. None from Indiblogger though Frown

Anyways, What about you? Have you tried googling your blog name ever? How many pages does the search result throw up from your site? How many from other sites and which sites are they? If you have never done that, do it right away and do Share the results Smile

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Minor edit
Replies 61 to 67 of 67 Descending
Vivek Sheel
Vivek Sheel
from New Delhi
13 years ago

When i googled my blog title this morning i was pleasantly surprised to see that the first 3 links are mine :):) Happy with Google ;)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Congrats! You have every reason to be happy! Keep at it, Vivek. And why only 3 links, I hope the entire page shows you up in the near future :-)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats a good result for starters. Hope you occupy the whole page in the near future as Arti has said.
Arnab Maity
Arnab Maity
from Sydney
13 years ago

My blog name is the same as my name , aka ~ arnab maity travel and photography.

Good to see that the 1st page belongs to me and my blog, also very happy to see indiblogger at No.6.

Also found a link, was actually surprised initially, then found out that they were using my flickr photos. Any one has any idea, how can they directly use my flickr photos?



from Mumbai
13 years ago

Great work Arnab, full page is awesome! A photographer like you deserves that kind of exposure Wink Keep it going :)

And abt your query, I am afraid but I have absolutely no idea Innocent

from Mumbai
13 years ago
You can write to them on their contact page asking them about your pictures usage.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago
So I have an update for you! indianomics is still trailing Moneycontrol on google search results, but key word "Hemal Shah" has taken a beating on search. On, key word "Hemal Shah" still rules. Now next step is to re-work on some things and try to figure out which are the key words that I shud work towards. Ignore my IndiMail. ;) i found this thread.
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey, thx for update! :)

Great! If you ask me, enough of this experiment, nice idea though. 3 is a not a very bad position, you see Innocent Just return back to Hemal Shah now, I guess that should work fine Innocent

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

hehe.. well only doing it cz you said so!! :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

hehe.. Good wrk! And welcome back to the forum Hemal ..Sir! ;)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

And dont you worry, indianomics will surely lead the pack one day w/o any of these experiments! :)

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

that pause and sir! ahh, loving it :) 

Indianomics has to rule the roost and I want to work towards it. but sala time mile tab na!! my article on Kutch is just reaching the last para and should be out soon on my blog! do keep that in mind :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Lol! You forgot the wink :P on a serious note though, yeah of course do drop in a word here (link bhi chalega :P), whenever you manage to finish that article of yours. Would love to read it up :) Make some time for it and get done with it soon Hemal sir!!!
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Ah yes! I now have a deadline. Today!! will have it up tomorrow on my blog! :) 

from Mumbai
13 years ago

 So... whatever happened to that deadline?

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I had the habit of Googling my nameTongue out. But this time got perfect resultsCool.

When I google my blog name, First 3 links are to my blogSealed. Then something and all comesTongue out.

When I google my name, it gives the link to my Facebook and my Blog and Indiblogger accountCoolSealed

from Mumbai
13 years ago

You know, sweep aside the rest of those somethings and all and conquer it all Cool After all, you are the princess, arent you? Wink Good going and Good Luck! Smile

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago


Have toSmile. Wil try to do thatWinkSealed.

Thank you deediKissEmbarassed

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good results! Keep striving for better :)
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Thanks DSCool

from Dubai
13 years ago

Nopes, I am not in first 3 but yeah in top 10. Looks ok to me because my blog is an abandoned one :)

I guess if you are logged into your Google account and open a new tab for Google search its likely to give your blog much higher in result.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Abandoned one? You have a great space there, Top 10 is great! :) And I am sure it will improve with time :)

And yes, you are right about the second point. Its better to check the results after logging out of google account. That gives the the correct picture.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Other people have said that too that if we are logged in we get better results. So we must log out and check.
from Delhi
13 years ago

Well, my blog too have the full sitelinks for the brand including the authorship markup on Google Search.  Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thats Great! Congrats Sekav! Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good going Sekav:)
Sumit Surai
Sumit Surai
from Calcutta , Kolkata
13 years ago

My blog title is not very uncommon. But still its great to see my site in 1st position when searched for "Web Funda" Laughing

from Mumbai
13 years ago

That is great going Sumit! Keep at it!!! Laughing

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats awesome result for a not so uncommon name!!

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