Anyone experienced hangout feature in Google + by recording videos ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I believe it should be a good feature, my system is having problems with audio and webcam, unable to test the feature.  At least i should be able to see the video bytes, so none in my circle seems to have tried the same.  This seems to be oneup feature of Google +  Facebook is trying to tie up skype and other video platforms to emulate google + the race is on

Edited 13 years ago
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from Kerala
13 years ago

It's working good. Which browser you r using? You have to install Google Voice and Video chat plugin. Facebook Video calling is already available to activate go to

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I have installed the plugin, now i have to configure my camera and audio, which seems to be down.Cool

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