How each of my funny short story got 200+ Likes

Sachin Garg
Sachin Garg
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Dear all,

I am Sachin Garg, author of two books. One month back, I decided to start blogging to promote my books.

I started writing funny short stories and started promoting them on facebook.

Because, the quality of each and every story was extremely high, people started recommending my blog to eachother.

As a result, some of my stories aggregated 350+ Likes.

You can read my stories on the following link:

Do tell me what you thought of it.


Sachin Garg

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Congrats Sachin, that is remarkable Smile

Please submit your post links in Indivine section if you want to share your stories with fellow Indibloggers here :)

Sachin Garg
Sachin Garg
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Thanks Arti.

Have already submitted some stories to Indivine!

But I am mostly still figuring out how things work out here. 


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats the way to go.
from goa
13 years ago

There are many talented Indian writers out there who are too afraid to start writing blogs or books. pls can you write a article on how you got interested in writing, how you went by writing a book and how you got it published. Pls think about it, it will really help the beginners in this field. Thank you.

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