Humour Blogs are very rare ! WHY ???!!??

from Chennai
13 years ago

I see a lot of tech blogs. A lot of photo blogs. A lot of personal blogs.

And all of them are popular ! But why are humour blogs very rare ? I find very few humour blogs !

Also fewer blogs dealing with corruption and other stuff of national importance !

So , if you have come across any humour blog , post it here ! I like reading 'em ! :D

And ohh , i have a humour blog. Just over 3 months old. But alredy 180+ followers on facebook. Am i boasting ? Probably , yeah . :P And ohh , we guys write serious stuff too. Corruption , anna hazare being the prominent topics !

Chk it out ! :) 

Replies 1 to 11 of 11 Descending
Abhishek Sinha
Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Point 1 : I too have a humour blog.

And I do not feel there are very few humor blogs out there. If you find out fakingnews, flyyoufools etc. are hilarious. However number is certainly lower as compared to tech and photo blogs. Reason is obvious, there are not too many humorous people around, and also it is not easy to write in a domain if you are not expert. You can learn about technology, you can read about photography, you can follow politics, but noone can teach you to be humorous.

from New Delhi
13 years ago

I agree with you completely.

Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago



Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Well Monica, when you say you agree completely, I am always looking for hidden sarcasm Tongue out. I hope there is none here Smile

from New Delhi
13 years ago

haah!I mean is dis wt I am taken to be- sarcastic? You made a valid point and I cud not agree atleast for this time chill out and enjoy my genuine sans sarcasm support :D

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I wonder what was the need to write Point 1 when there is no point no 2. Smile

Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

That was a trick, so that you read till the end. And you fell for it Smile

Murali Krishnan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Agree with you. There is not many humor blogs around. Admittedly it takes some talent and creativity to run a humor blog. It seems there is nothing humoros about writing a humor blog.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Oh No! Seems to be another joke. :-) 

... But I am unable to understand what the trick hidden in it is. The reply was not too lengthy for me to skip.

from Chennai
13 years ago

There are very FEW humour sites ! Trust me ! 

My journey started with and thats how i startd my own site ! 

And it's really tough trying to be humorous ! Also tech blogs/politics blogs get more views ! So ppl who blog for money prefer that !  

from New Delhi
13 years ago

My blog can be counted as humorous.I inject humour in everything :P


Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Sure you do. The blend of humour and sarcasm with some amazing photoshop skills makes a really good blog

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Thank you Abhishek :) U noticed my PS skills...wait lemme pat my back :D I used to miss my design & Graphic class in college ;)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Have just gone through your blog. You seem to laugh at everyone and anyone.

from New Delhi
13 years ago

There is an approach to things.If you approach them seriously you end up in Appolo for a heart surgery.I by default see the lighter side of things and picking up very basic facts and highlighting them with humour is what makes me happy and fortunately those happy who visit it :D

from mumbai
13 years ago

well said !

from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is a very good approach in life. Your face (in the profile image) reflects it. Smile

from Chennai
13 years ago

Haha ! I've read thru ur blog a couple of times ! Found it interesting , to say the least ! :)

And ohh , it's time for some shameless publicity ! :P

Pls chk out my most read article :D

from mumbai
13 years ago

Humour is serious business . Its not everybodys' cup of tea. But I think there are some really good humour blogs here. click on 'humour' category on the homepage. Faking news is one of the best :)

from Chennai
13 years ago

Yeah , true .

I know a lot of funny people ! But somehow ppl don't write abt funny stuff ! It's like ppl lose their funny bone as they grow old ! :\

And oh , pls chk out my most read article ! :P

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I have come accross a number of humour blogs with just a couple of posts copied from somewhere else. :-)

Maintaining a technology blog is simpler because you can do research (copying from a number of sources, as stated by someone on the forum) and come up with your own post which no one dares to call plagarised content. On the other hand, humour posts have to be unique. Rephrasing a joke does not make it your own.


Murali Krishnan
from Chennai
13 years ago

+1 to what you said. Humor is serious business Tongue out

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

>__< eh? Then what you call tech blogs who do actual RnD or get exclusive information?

I'll never deem research as "copying from a number of sources". That's just plain lame and wrong in all angles. We all know how to copy paste and making active into passive and using "hifi" or shortforms since school. Its even worse when such people don't have the basic courtesy of putting up a source link.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I was referring to this sentence: "Copying from a single source is called Plagiarism but Copying from multiple sources is called Researchhere. Please note that I am only quoting it which does not necessarily mean that I support it.

And, I wasn't referring to all the tech blogs. I said that maintaining a tech blog is simple but at the same time, I did not say that all tech blogs fall under this category. Yes, a few tech blogs do come up with original content not found elsewhere on the net but still everyone do not fall under this category.

from Chennai
13 years ago

There are tooooo many tech blogs ! Am bored of 'em ! :P

Humorous blog requires some effort , yes , but trust me , when you can make ppl laugh , there is no better feeling ! :)

And , yeah , you can curse me all you want , but pl do it after u've read this : P 

from Bangalore
13 years ago

I tried to base my blog on humour but only I find it funny Cry

Anirban Sengupta
from Pune
13 years ago

y dont you change the name of your blog to funny-love ???

It will do a world of good to people who at 3AM is Searching "I love to ****" ... and are landing  up at your blog ...

They are definitely in a mood to fun then but may not be game for "funny" content :P

from mumbai
13 years ago

chemical locha remains one of my favourites.

from Chennai
13 years ago

That happens to me to bro ! :\

What to do ! Keep writing . hopefulu someone will find it funny someday ! Just dont't give up ! 

And yea , publicity time :P

Chk this out ! :D

Anirban Sengupta
Anirban Sengupta
from Pune
13 years ago

I personally feel that in one way its good that humour blogs are few . It makes them Exclusive ...

Bloggers are good human beings at the end of the day. They know their limitations and prefer playing according to their strengths...

It is not possible for anyone and everyone to become Pagal Patrakar or Great-bong just like every spin bowler cannot become Paul Adams.

Ask yourself truthfully ... will you be able to take it if one fine day starts acting funny???

from Chennai
13 years ago

Nice publicity for your blog dude ! :P

And yea , i completely agree with what you say , good that there are less humour blogs , thats how ppl like me can bcum popular ! :P

And oh , chk this out ( Pls pls pls :P )

Abhishek Sinha
Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Can anyone tell me how can I unsuscribe to the emails I am getting for each posting on the topic.  

Anirban Sengupta
from Pune
13 years ago

In the blog there  is no post that can help you out :(

Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Given the way you are posting, you should have a blog named "". Self promotion is fine, but there is a way to do it.There should be a subtelty and grace about it. If you overdo self promotion it actually goes against you. Go and read some stuff about marketing 

Abhinav Neelam
Abhinav Neelam
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Yes! The first interesting thread on Indiblogger! Maybe there's hope after all. (Only joking, of course.) I was asking myself the exact same questions you were, and the best answer I could come up with was: Most people are serious. (Sorry, I didn't want to go down the 'masses are stupid' road. Laughing)

I agree with you about photoblogs and techblogs being popular and that's easy to explain, right? You need only about ten seconds to see a photo and decide whether you like it or not (OK, maybe even three) and when you're reading techblogs in office, you can always tell your boss that hey, you're actually working. (As opposed to getting caught reading a 'personal' post about what brand of toothpaste the poster prefers, with attached pictures of the said person's teeth embedded for free.)

I have a blog where I put up occasional silly stuff and/or comic strips, but it's only my closest friends (they're probably the only ones who know what's funny in what I write Laughing) who probably read them. (Not that I'm complaining, because you know, if you don't get the joke, that makes the joke funnier, because the joke is now on you.)

Anirban Sengupta
from Pune
13 years ago

Unless you resort to the most pathetic self-promotion tactics like does in your initial days , only "close-friends" will end up reading what you write.

Abhinav Neelam
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Really? Cry If the point of shameless self-promotion is to get more likeminded people to visit your blog and get a healthy interaction going between that little 'ideasharing' community you've just formed, that would be all right, but since humour bloggers are rare (on this site at any rate), that wouldn't work, I think. Or of course if your objective is simply to make money through page views (or clicks or whatever), then anything goes, I guess. Smile

Abhinav Neelam
from Bangalore
13 years ago

And I see what you did there by sneaking in Oho, did I just shamelessly self-promote (or him-promote, or whatever) on your behalf? Laughing

( (Profound cosmic insight: shameless self-promotion is like drinking. You've either done it, or you haven't. Nothing in between. There's no going back now, is there? Embarassed )

Abhinav Neelam
Abhinav Neelam
from Bangalore
13 years ago

You comment about starting off with cracked reminds me: I hate that site. Well, most of the time. If there is one, just one form of humour (OK, apart from toilet humour) I totally dislike, it is a 1000 word expletive filled rant that tries to pass off as humour. Even more so if it's broken into 20 easily digestible bullet points for mass consumption. Having said that, some of the posts are genuinely witty, but they're far and few between these days. Cry And the cracked comments section must be the second most retarded place on the Internet. (After the youtube comments section, duh.) I'm scarred for life. British humour rules! Stephen Fry! Hugh Laurie!

from Chennai
13 years ago

Hugh Laurie = My HERO . :D

And oh , is pretty awesome ! It's not oly humour , also very informative stuf ! It's the way in which they present it makes it awesome ! 

You should try going thru their archive ! Some of the old articl's are pretty awesome !

And oh , my blog is not actually mine ! It's a collective effort . As of now 8 of us are writing in it . We deal with funny stuff most of the time but of late we have a lotta different topics going around ! We actualy want more ppl writing fr us . But first ppl need to read it first , so i shamelessly admit that i started this topic only to do some publicity for the blog ! :D

My blog is a humor blog too. Humor comes easily to me but I don’t joke about things that people usually joke about, like politics or social issues, because most people don’t enjoy them (mostly because they don’t understand it. I have been searching for someone who writes like me forever now. But I could never seem to find any. I have been blogging only for a month now. Though people don’t flock to see my blog like Tirupati’s Lord Venkateshwara, traffic has been decent none the less. But still the traffic is not anywhere close to awesome and I wonder if anybody wants humor at all. I couldn’t understand how a tech blog and a blog about politics can be such a hit. I mean these are the things I am planning to read my kids when they ask for a bed time stories (you only need to read a paragraph and you are off to sleep.)

Then there are the people who like your posts so much and ask you to read one of their post (posts they call humor). Sigh... When I read these posts I cant help but think that reading the entire bible in one sitting would have been more exciting than reading the 3 paragraphs they call humor.

The world is a complicated place and sometimes there seems to be no hope but there is always a ray of light that shines through the darkness and the blog Craptivate was one of those rays when I was about to quit blogging in utter frustration with the blog world. I came know about the blog because my class mate is one of the authors there. When I asked him to read my blog he loved it so much that he told me he writes about funny stuff too and showed me the site. Well all the authors there are anonymous so I felt like he told me some top secret. This is one blog that made me think not all blogs are dull and that there were other people who enjoyed humor as much as I did. I realised that all I had to do was find those people. That is how I joined IndiBlogger and people have been so kind to the amateur. I realised that my blog was that great blog that people have been searching for just like I did when I started blogging.  Of course there are people who don’t like my blog or who don’t find it funny, but there are always gothic freaks who embrace depression and shun humor. I dint have them in mind when I was writing stuff.

All this said and done lemme give you the link to my holy blog  You will be blessed if you come and read. If you by any chance follow my blog or share the link in your website then you are guaranteed a place in heaven (Even if you are a husband/wife beater). I did a pooja to bless all my readers :D

Read my blog already!!! Otherwise I will have to claim to be the reincarnation of Sai Baba.

from Chennai
13 years ago

Abishek. The whole CRAPTIVATE crew thanks you ! :)

To every-one reading this : See , i might do unnecessary publicity for the blog. Might irritate you asking you to read it. But i jus realized one thing. 

Abhishek's comment just touched all our hearts. Don't think am gonna do anymore publicity for the blog. Go have a brownie :D

:O I dint realise I typed so much till I clicked post reply :D Sorry folks first time replying in a forum. Guess I thought I was writing another blog post :D

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