Any suggestions for a twitter username: How is this name: ALightHeartedTk

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I am planning to create a twitter account for my blog but just can't decide on the username to be used. I would like to have it as ALightHeartedTalk but the charcater limit of 15 doesn't allow me to do it. Any suggestions for an alternative name that will help others know that that particular name is associated to my blog.

How is this anme: ALightHeartedTk

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: update
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Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago


design>>html>>expand widget>>Find this line in the template: </b:skin> Just before this line, insert the following lines of code:    #navbar { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; }   Or if above code doesnt work #navbar-iframe{                display:none;               height:0px;                visibility:hidden;}


As if now I need to create an image of 125*125 about my blog as I won an ad space for 15 days on one of my favorite blog being a regular reader there.I do create few gif images using &


Will try smart art and other options posted above,I thought if you used any software as I am exploring few these days,I think time to go for some professional gif creation now lolz


Just start posting your gigs @ fiverr with details what you gonna do what not for 5$ and then you will get 4$ once the buyer marks your order completed.People who know adobe products/gif kinda things really make good money

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Removed the navbar. After having seen the navbar for so many days, I feel as if something is missing on my blog. :-) 

Yes, thos who know about abobe can make a good income with very little work. 

I ahve a doubt. I can see some requests on the right and clicking them a converation is opening. Do I have to create a gig to accepot money or will the client pay even if I don't craete a gig and simply accept teh work?

Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago

you need to create a gig anyhow the conversation on right are buyers or sellers you can start the conversation with them to let them know what you can do what not once you both mutally agree they order your gig on the gig`s page manytimes they simply order without any conversation if things are clear on your gigs page


Like recently I got an order to convert a ppt to video so first the lady asked me how much time will it take to complete the job,in which format should she supply the music file as she wanted it to be in the ppt,once she was convinced then ordered

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Thanks. I understood it.  You seem to be doing fine on fiverr. :-)

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

So you joined Fiverr RanjithInnocent

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