Veteran bloggers mentoring beginners (Suggestion)

from goa
13 years ago

I don't consider my self pro or veteran blogger. But just a thought popped in my mind so thought of sharing it. When i started blogging, the problems i faced where not of material or ideas for blogging but the technological and SEO difficulties like choosing the blog template, customizing it for SEO, submitting blogs to search engines and directories, installing new widgets etc. Now this are easy things and can be done very quickly if you have the right guideince but if not it is a very tiresome process to get information from different sources.

So what i thought why not the veteran and well established bloggers give some of their time to one of the beginners with no idea of SEO and other things. Means like the beginners can submit the blogs and if the veteran bloggers see some promise in the blogger he can mentor him for some time like for 2-3 days for 1-2 hours daily at a fixed time.

Pls note that i saying this in technological and SEO perspective means to make the beginners aware of this techniques i am not telling to suggest him idea or provide materials for writing posts. I am ready to do it if anybody is interested but i have been blogging for just one year and have indirank of 74 and Alexa rank 4.2 lakh and recieve 1k daily visitors now. so anybody interested can contact me.

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
from mumbai
13 years ago

I think thats a very good idea. Yes, it would be beneficial for beginners if they can get some direct guidance from the 'experts' in their niche of blogging. Many people who start blogging have some wrong impressions about it.

For example, beginners might post about half a dozen articles and think that they have a 'brand' in hand, whereas building a brand out of your blog/website takes a lot of time and efforts.

Having said that, I would like to add that the Blog review section and the Blogging Beginners section of the forum can be of immense help, if utilised properly, for beginners here. :)

from Kerala
13 years ago

My sincere advice ( I don't know in which category I am coming under blogsphere).. If you are doing blogging as a passion then don't think about SEO. Continue your natural blogging and don't care traffic, Alexa Rank, Google Page Rank, Moz Rank..IndiRank..Blah blah..blah..Do maintain your blog as a personal (public) will certainly enjoy it.

If you take blogging as a profession or part time job then must think about SEO.First and foremost SEO tip..Leave blogspot and platform.. After that we can discuss about SEO. Come to a self hosted Platform let it be Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or whatever ....

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Every once in a while I come across a reply and my instinctive reaction is to look for the 'Like' button. (Nice reply)

Damn, facebook is addictive. :D

from Kerala
13 years ago

Like button for Indiblogger is a long back demand...Smile

Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago


from hyderabad
13 years ago

That's graet. We need to first realize what we are blogging for.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Great tip...

Murali Krishnan
from Chennai
13 years ago

We take it that Mayur is talking about the second scenario you mentioned. Therefore, SEO and ranks come into picture. Mayur did not talk anything specific about being on a particular platform. It is from this perspective, veteran bloggers can share their wisdom and guide the newbies. Personal bloggers can excuse themselves out of this thread.

from Kerala
13 years ago

@Murali Krishnan... Blog platform is very much important. A blogspot blog can't compete with a self hosted Wordpress blog. In SEO point of view Wordpress is the best. Wordpress by default is SEO optimized and you with some additional plugins one can make it perfect.

Murali Krishnan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Agree. For serious bloggers, this should be the first step in the whole process. Thanks for suggesting up front.

Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Anyone willing to mentor? I wanna learn more :) Esp post Panda SEO. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I wonder if you are speaking seriously, having been in the blogosphere since 2008.

from goa
13 years ago

Sir your blog is already popular enough. What i had in mind was veteran mentoring bloggers who have started bloging just now and have no idea about SEO and blog management techniques like a kick start for them. I have gone through this phase where i had to surf for hours to get the right info for very basic things. So it would really help the beginners to get some earlier tips on blog setup so he wont have to implement new things every time he finds out about them and loose all the hard work done on the earlier settings.

Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Ofcourse, I am really serious. I still have a lot to learn. My vision is to grow my blog and reach a bigger audience.

@Ranjith Time doesnt matter. 

@Mayur I am not sir :)And SEO is one part that I need to work on, and as I said esp post panda SEO. My blog at  has lost almost all the traffic. :( And I cant figure out how to fix it.Any help would be appreciated.PS: There is no such thing as 'an experienced blogger', even a newbie can beat you with some hard work. Thats the beauty of the web, it provides a level playing field for everyone :)

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good Mayur, keep guiding youngsters and newcomers to the blogsphere on technical aspects. Good gesture
from hyderabad
13 years ago

I too need some tips regarding SEO for Blogger, other than link building (which I am already doing occassionally) and keyword density and keyword cluttering (which is impossible to be followed by me )

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