Social networking websites: If you could make one

from New Delhi
13 years ago

so google is here with its plus one and FB has rolled out invites to press for some 'awsome' announcement which could be anything aimed at increasing the social netwrkng experience thru FB.lets for a moment imagine that we have to create a social networking website.Now use ur vivid creativity and come up with out of the box features u wud add to make social networking more social.

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Interesting! I will wait for others to add features

from New Delhi
13 years ago

cmon hemal take the lead :D err Ranjith hs alrdy done it... but now atleast tell urs!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I would add a daily time limit so that users will not get addicted. Smile

from New Delhi
13 years ago

haha Ranjith u nailed it :P

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Haha, good..This would be a step in making social networking sites a bit anti social :P
from hyderabad
13 years ago


from hyderabad
13 years ago

Such restrictions are necessary, especially for children. One good example is the website owned by the popular children's magazine TINKLE. The limit is in the form of points.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats great :)
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Oh yes as if adults really know how much time dey shud spend on FB :P

Sreyasi SenGupta
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Monica how about adults who don't wanna grow up?Like me.They should have notifications like "Auto Fire from job" or "Auto fail in next exam" if time limit exceeds.Or to go the cave man way?A boxing glove in a box that actually punches your screen out. Not very grown up of me.Sighs.Smile


from New Delhi
13 years ago

don't worry shreyasi I fall in the same league!I check out FB more den my ownself in mirror so I guess that explains a lot ;) :P

Sreyasi SenGupta
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Monica m'dear,I like you VERY much.Laughing

from New Delhi
13 years ago

admiration is mutual shreyasi :)

Keshav Saini
Keshav Saini
from Delhi
13 years ago

It depends on what type of social network do you want to host??

I mean there are dating scripts, community scripts like facebook, microblogging scripts like twitter and blogging scripts like wordpress etc. Every script has its own purpose.

I would like to have forums, boards, groups, question answers and community blogs to be a part of my blog community.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

It would become a mini web then... Smile

Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago

google+ already has the features I was waiting for like limited sharing and mute option

from hyderabad
13 years ago

So ready to shift to Google+?

Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago


from hyderabad
13 years ago

Let me find you there. Smile

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
I would like to add sms feature in social networking along with audiobytes and videobytes to be transferred to cell phone. Plus some commercial features where members can earn money out of their contribution
Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Waht a creative thread and answers too...........I can't say anything. But from Indiblogger, I wish there could be a status update feature. 

from New Delhi
13 years ago

yay watte suggestion!I support I support!

Sreyasi SenGupta
from Kolkata
13 years ago

absolutely!kinda like 20sb..anybody on that?

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