Do you find typing your blog posts boring?

from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is what prevents me from doing something big all the time. I feel typing articles/ blog posts to be a tedious task. What about you? And, do you type your blog posts directly in the editor or first write it down on a paper?

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Not at all, it is a pleasure, but needs to focus that is all, i generally type directly into the blogspot.  But save a copy in word document

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Generally I write my blogs in my diary first and then type it in a word document, this helps me check the errors that i have made and also gives me a overall idea of the flow, since when writing the article for the first time, i do a lot of scribbling and re-writing, then the changing the construction of the sentences, shifting a paragraph, changing a vowel, an adjective. Its basically a review exercise. then finally when done, i copy paste, it in WP. About the formatting I have a default font and size set in WP, so it changes the font that I used in WORD and takes up that font. :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I always write my posts on a paper first but the reason is something different from yours. If I type directly instead of writing on paper first, typing occupies the first priority and writing something creative takes the second position. I don't edit my post even once and even if I feel that something has gone wrong, I just try to ignore it. I feel that whatever I write in the first instance is the best.


The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Paper? Seriously? Shouldn't you waste paper in the first place? :P

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I am not a tech geek to do all my work in the e way. Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I type it directly into my WP wod documents for me :)

Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

I type it directly into the blogger editor!! I am always too lazy to write it somewhere else and bring it into the blogger!! And I write it at an instant without so much of editing and stuffs!! Just let the words flow dirctly into the blogger! In between i do get distracted in searching for suitable images to go with!

Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Only when I am writing for the sake of writing.... :/

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Nope............I loveeeeeeeeee it and can't control my fingers.............! like a mad!

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hehe :-D Mohini dont change anything! Your articles are great:):)

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