Pakistan can't afford it anymore

from New Delhi
13 years ago

According to a recent statement by somebody from Pak establishment, Pak can't anymore afford to spend as much India does on defense.Infact the way both economies are going, soon pak would not be able to spend even half of what India does outa its GDP.

What do you think would be its implication on our much troubled relations?Can we now finally expect some peace from Pak's side because when you can't take it to the battle field, its better you compromise? Or even pak may take increased refuge in the 'other' method of keeping india in check that is non state actors or bluntly put terrorists?

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
Mohammed Irfan
Mohammed Irfan
from Calicut
13 years ago

meh, offtopic? 

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Please add few more words for the clarity of the reader :)

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I strongly feel that Bangladesh should re merge with Pakistan so that they will be busy quelling rebellion and leave Kashmir with India.  It was the greatest historical b****er to alienate Bangladesh from Pakistan, just imagine the amount of spending that Pakistan would have incurred to maintain their suzerenity in Bangladesh.  Pakistan would have gone bust by now and would have requested for merger with India to save their economy.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

b**** er word is getting censored by forum Lolz

from New Delhi
13 years ago

If u play back to history u wud realize that East pakistan was creating a lot of problems for us.A secular democratic Bangladesh is always better than an instable east pakistan and den the infiltration problem, imagine we would have been spending double to monitor border on the north and the east.Also the kind of struggle East Pakistan ppl wr doing, dey wr anyway about to break away we kinda acted as a catalyst.Not to sound Imperialist but a very imp fact is that India had much to gain in terms of power by dng wt it did in bangladesh.If we dnt assert our power in Intenational relations then we risk losing our own sovereignty.

Murali Krishnan
from Chennai
13 years ago

What an idea sir'ji.

Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago

Is it the first topic related to Pakistan here,I guess if yeah will invite pakistani hackers to breach the security of now

Murali Krishnan
from Chennai
13 years ago

... sounding the warning bells already? Lolz.

Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago



This is not the right place to discuss this moreover if someone from pakistani cyber army will see this they would start hacking indiblogger in return Indian cyber army gonna attack back resulting another cyber war that keeps on going.Mostly script kiddies start this kinda cyber wars as real hackers dont have time for all this


Yeah the problem is we and whole world only say things but dont work on anything otherwise could have saved many lives in India,Pakistan & other parts of world,anyhow offtopic from now

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