Bloggers Facebook Page

from Chennai
13 years ago

Hi, it has been really helpful and great to be a part of this community, it sure is a fantastic platform. I have had some encouraging and motivating feedback and also got opportunity to read, learn and know so much more than I could have otherwise. Thanks to all. And thanks to the originators of Indibloggers who conceived and implemented this.

I am sure all of us have a FB page for our blogs. I request all of you to share your FB page link here. It is just an effort to have all the page links at one place so that we like and become member of those that we find interesting. We do not have to necessarily do it as an obligation, just like the ones we/you follow or really find amusing. I thought it would be helpful. Say what? :)


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Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago
from Chennai
13 years ago

@Aditya - thanks buddy for being the first one to participate. I have read few posts from Yesterday we said tomorrow and Awakening the India within, hence I liked both the fan pages.

As for the third one I am yet to read it... will check it out shortly :)

My FB page link is

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