Do you have a separate online life?

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Is your blogging life different from your real life? Do you shy away from telling your friends and relatives about your blog fearing the way in which they are going to treat your blog?

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: minor edit
Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

Though I dont shy away from people I know in real life about my blog, there is a bit of me that loves to keep a little bit of anonymity on my blogs. Many of my friends (in real life) are not aware of my blog and I never tried to tell them about it. I do share my posts on my FB wall though at times. So if any of them were interested in blogging would find my articles!! 

But I dont remain myself completely anonymous though. Anyone who would like to know the real me, I have kept enough and more links through my blog to get in touch with the real me too. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

As of now, none of my friends know about my blog and I am still wondering if I should tell them about it. And facebook, I don't have an account there and I am not really interested in it. So there is no chance of me posting links from my blog there.

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

I have somewhat of a mixed response to that. 

I have very good friends online, some of whom ive met and we've been friends now for over 6 or 7 years, almost like we met elsewhere. But even today when i share of the online stuff to other people, they act surprised or confused. 

I find there's some difference, but perhaps they are two facets.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

May be many people are surprised by seeing your talent in blogging! Smile

Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Nah! it ain't the talent. 

Just the balls i guess. maybe the eccentricity a little bit, hard to relate between personalities.

from New Delhi
13 years ago

A very interesting topic Ranjith! I guess there would be very few people who would not tell people from their personal life about their blog as most genuine and regular feedback and audience comes from those we know from real life..atleast for me, my frens and family prove quite supportive and so do my fb frens.Until its not something which is affecting your personal life for bad I dnt see why one shud hide online endeavours and achievements from real life folks.It on contrary can be the other way round where a blogger may choose to keep his personal identity away from his blog for ex I removed my FB badge from my blog.That kinda makes sense as u dnt face the risk of lettng people judge ur personal life, personality etc by way of ur blog.But this again can have its own shortcomings as a personal touch as madhuri dixit says is alwys great :D

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Thank you. Yes, some people may do it in the way specified by you.

from Sharjah
13 years ago
i dont know why i bother with any anonymity...iam pretty much the same online and the beginning i tried to keep my anonymity but failed miserably when my PR person turned out to be my mother, who used arm twisting methods to get everyone in the family to read was embaressing.. i dont talk abt my blog within the family that much...i guess they read it..some people at work reads it too...but i dont encourage any discussions abt what i write...if someone makes a comment, i just laugh it off...iam lucky to the extent that people generally respect when they realize that i dont like talking abt its kinda fine.. i pretty much stand by whatever i write...there has been instances where what i write have caused me to sleep on the sofa for long periods of time...but now my wife is kinda used to the whole thing...that my friends is my tip to you for the day : be consistent in ur vices, after sometimes everyone expects nothing less from you..
from hyderabad
13 years ago

That's a funny account.

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Sourabh K Rao
Sourabh K Rao
from Bangalore
13 years ago

hey ranjith.. nice topic.. so true.. sometimes i feel the urge for the people around me to know me. but at the same time i feel i need to maintain that annonnimity.the reason because the real close people of me do know my blog and my behaviourisms. i dont shy away at any point in time to react to them  if spoken about it in open , but i dont go about telling everyone that i blog . i do know my friends and family read it , and the ones interested do talk about it and i am happy they agree with me . yeah at times i find some amazing mails in my inbox asking questions about my contents both positive and negatives . there is no point in shying away from it right. when we write a blog it is open to public . when public can comment either good or bad. even the people around around us ll.  

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Good points. We write to reach out to the others on this earth and our friends and family too are a part of that earth.

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Nothing to hide, in fact very happy to share my love - my blogs with all. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

You seem to spread smiles everywhere with your words and your blog. Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I like a bit of annonymity when it comes to my blog. Only a few of my very close friends know about it and I dont like to talk about it with my relatives either. Not that there is anything to hide just that I kind of like it that way.
Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh
from Mumbai
13 years ago family doesn't approve to blogging and such stuffs. They don't even support me being social (pretty conservative). I blog using cyber cafe computers and I 1st write the raw-piece in my mobile-phone. In 1 way, I've got a separate online life. My friends know about it....but my family dosn't (and I hope they never feel). I don't add any of my family-member (including cousins) to my social-networking connections. So I've got a separate life at home and separate life on the internet.

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