recently concluded dove contest, yahoo management speaketh

hi friends, I like to draw attention towards the recently concluded yahoo dove real beauty contest. With no prejudice towards winning participants, (congo's to all.) I was amazed at statement of yahoo team member that It was duty of participants to judge what was wanted to be written. they should have taken cue from their real beauty blog and written on skin fairness etc.only.

I am really baffled to see the real beauty perceptions thus desired.

Please friends give your honest opinions as to vague desires are good for contest or bad.

because in the end it is the writer who feels humiliated.

please throw honest light on this intriguing phenomenon as I feel strongly that  reputation of indiblogger too gets involved by such acts.

Replies 1 to 17 of 17 Descending
Kimi Shrivastava
Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
13 years ago

Hi Pramod,

I don't think Dove wanted us to write about fairness cream or their products. If you do a little research on Real beauty's campaign about dove..It started in year 2004.  The campaign has been focused not on the product, but on a way to make women feel beautiful regardless of their age and size. They even started a "Real Beauty" school program to give teenagers that confidence boost they might feel because of the changing apperance.

You'd be amazed to see that many students have even made project report on this campaign and there is vast amount of material about its history and how they went ahead with campaign, available on the internet. Below is a snippet of a document I found on internet: 


• Dove launched a global advertising campaign in October 2004 questioning whether “model” attributes, such as youth, slimness, and symmetrical features, are required for beauty - or if they are completely irrelevant to it. The ads each presented an image of a woman whose appearance differed from the stereotypical physical ideal, and asked the reader/viewer to judge the woman's looks by checking off a box.

o “Wrinkled? Wonderful?” featured Irene Sinclair, 95, of London, England with a wrinkled face and asked: “Will society ever accept old can be beautiful?”

o “Gray? Gorgeous?” featured Merlin Glozer, 45, of London, England with a natural mane of gray hair and asks: “Why aren't women glad to be gray?”

o “Oversized? Outstanding?” featured Tabatha Roman, 34, of New York, NY a plus-size woman and asked: “Does true beauty only squeeze into a size 6?”

o “Half empty? Half full?” featured Esther Poyer, 35, of London, England with small breasts and asked: “Does sexiness depend on how full your cups are?”

o “Flawed? Flawless?” featured Leah Sheehan, 22, of London, England with freckles and asked: “Does beauty mean looking like everyone else?”

There is some amount of information available on wikipedia too:

Your points are really awesome, but all those relate to physical attributes. But the real inner beauty of heart is something too, the real beauty of nature, etc.etc. These were given a back seat by editorial team. Management says this had to be guessed by contestants which beauty is desired by reading yahoo beauty page and writing on those lines. If you goofed your badluck. But the support thread had an active team member, where no such point was raised. At one place management clearly accepts the title was vague, but now they wish to throw all humiliation on to writers themselves. Is this right Do you concur with them
Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
13 years ago that point I also agree with you. They should not ask us to do all those stuffs and get their perception of real beauty, when they themselves have not described clearly about the topic. 

They should have taken care of clearly defining the topic, especially in a case like this where large amount of people from various backgrounds and beliefs are going to participate.

Do you think this hurts the reputation of indiblogger
Thanks Kimi Ji, for calling a spade a spade. Really brave. 100/100,
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Kimi I feel glad to see that you know a great deal about the 'Real Beauty' camapign. But here you need to accept one thing: You knew about it because you run a beauty blog and most probably read as much as you can about beauty on the net.

Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
13 years ago

Actually no..I didn't know about Dove's Real beauty campaign before entering into this contest. I just wanted to know the reason why Dove was hosting such a huge event. There has to be some history to it and then only searched about it!! :)

Kimi Shrivastava
Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
13 years ago

yeah..I feel that they should be more vigilant in thinking out of the box and clearly stating what they exactly want from a contest. Otherwise, we are full of dreamers here, and whose imagination will take him one knows!! :D

Kimi Shrivastava
Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
13 years ago

yeah..I feel that they should be more vigilant in thinking out of the box and clearly stating what they exactly want from a contest. Otherwise, we are full of dreamers here, and whose imagination will take him one knows!! :D

Main kyaa boloon abb. I really admire your command over words more and more.
Poorvi Shrivastav
Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I dont feel the same way Embarassed. And I havent heard this women's talk or statement so all that I write is based upon the fact that I am assuming she has spoken about fairness etc., if she has not - my advance apologies.

If it is the case that beauty and fairness were the criteria then I dont think they would have made the winners, the winners. Lots of winning entries focussed on the inner beauty and not makeup or beauty creams.

Having said that I do believe one's ideas and one's thoguhts on anything are unique and should be respected. What beauty means to me can differ from it means to my brother Wink and that can differ from what it means to this particular person in question.

Destiny's Child
from Vadodara
13 years ago

totally agree with you!! Its beauty according to u contest!!So we need to cater our thoughts on real beauty-For me its in cricket and i wrote that-Its a relative concept and can vary from person to person.Well said Poorviji!

Poorvi Ji , thanks, great views.
Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@ Kimi- You have done a great job with your blog post and also bringing out your views on Forum. 

I did not start blogging for the sake of participating in contests. They come my way as a bonus. I don't think I feel something misleading in the topic. If you feel real beauty is nature, bird or mountains; you are welcome to say that. If you do not win the contest no bad feelings. The judge had different perception of beauty. That is it. What do we lose? Nothing. 

Me being a breast cancer survivor, I look at the scar the surgery has left behind and think it is sign of life which I have now. If I express that it is fine, but no way I can expect everyone (even those who have been through cancer) to agree and accept my view.

I don't think that just because the phrasing of the topic was not crystal clear will harm the reputation of big-wigs like yahoo, dove or indiblogger in anyway.  

Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
13 years ago

Thank you Farida Jee....And I read your entry...You truly write from your heart, that is so evident. I really feel awesome to be a part of Indiblogger team now, meeting such great writers like you and others here. I've been blogging since 6 years now, but I was always happy in my own small blog, and never knew about such communities. 

I agree that for people who don't need to write for the contest, this was something like a topic of free thinking and free choice of sharing their views on real beauty. Your post was amazingly heart touching and one of the best!! :) :) :) 

Destiny's Child
from Vadodara
13 years ago

really,i have become a big fan of yours!Thanks to IB for introducing us 2 such intellectual greats in blogosphere!I am learning a lot!!



Farida Ji, I have been great admirer of your calibre, and you do stand out in millions.
Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Wow !!  Thanks Kimi. Coming from a person I admire it means a lot. Almost as close to winning a contest ;) . LOL.

When I was typing , three more posts have been posted. Poorvi, your blog was great. You are right. We are to express our thoughts and see if the judge is thinking like us. Yes, good luck. No, better luck next time. Sure to be lucky you need to write beautiful posts too. 

Once back in school, I had done an excellent essay on God. I was frank that his presence on earth has done more harm then benefits for human beings. Creating fights, dividing people in name of caste and religion, blah blah blah. Finally I ended saying that other than mother Therasa's faith for an example we cannot say much about the benefit of his presence here. I was in convent and got 0 for the essay. The nun did not agree with me. But even to this day I still believe it and find it to be an excellent essay. No regrets. Sealed

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Atleast from now, IndiBlogger should should state a clear description of the contest and not publish just those few sentences the sponsorers have asked to. If it is done, every interpretation of the contest should be taken into consideration for the prizes.

That's like a man, real clear views Ranjith. Thumbs up
Destiny's Child
from Vadodara
13 years ago

well said buddy!! :)

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Real Beauty comment :P! 

So I can say this in this way............

"Yahoo should have given the meaning of Real Beauty and also what to write!!!!!!!!! " 

from Mumbai
13 years ago

somehow i feel the interpretation doesnt matter, only the content does! The winners had written entries as per their own interpretations because beauty may mean different things to different people. And i guess that is what Dove symbolises too. Hence you dont get to see models or actresses in their adverts and commercials. I had read an article long back on this as to why Dove considers real women for their ads and not models or celebs. Congrats to all the winners!!!

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yeah. And I think its best to leave it at that (especially since the contest is over).

Then why the feedback thread and suggestions ny yahoo team member that entrants should have guessed correctly the editor's desires.and not deviated towards inner beauty. I am really dumbfounded
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I put up my opinions because they will have more more future projects. Personally that water anti-chlorine campaign and the white pigeon campaign is so felt like a PR spin.

Sorcerer, world moves along, and surely there will be and should be greater and more greater one's ahead. No looking back on this. But there are somethings which if a mistake, should be realized, as foundation should be great.
from Mumbai
13 years ago
I think that the contest topic should be crystal clear to the participants but the contest is now over and was a huge success by any stretch of imagination. But we must now move forward and hopefully we have learnt something from this incident ( the fact that the topic for the hp color contest was revised bears testimony to that fact )... I am sure that in the future the Indiblogger team will put up in detail what is exactly required from the participants.
Thanks Arti Ji
from hyderabad
13 years ago

I have read those revised terms just now. I think that my entry is totally unrelated to the contest. I have submitted the entry before the revision. Anyway, I had added an another blog post and a  a few readers to my blog. That's sufficient for me.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I will check your post when online from pc. Good that you added readers, that is a big thing:)
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I felt the title was just  right! But to each his own...and lets hope even the Indiblogger team clears up the confusion.

Right priya Ji ,
Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Sad by reading the statment by yahoo team member. If that is so, why the name was "Real beauty."?  

I was not in the contest, so don't know much what happened !

Congrats to all the winners.

thanks Mg, very well said. winning or loosing is part of the game in contests, no issues on that front.

what hurts is the rejection of entries on all real beauties posts which saw it in crystal heart or nature, etc. and the meekness  in the manner stated by yahoo team member that contestants should have read yahoo beauty blog to see what type of beauty they prefered in posts.

if they stayed mum after the results there wasn't any hurt. but these words when come from the team of organizers, really hurts participants (atleast me ) so I voiced my concerns.


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Ya Pg! That's really hurting. I had a quick look on Yahoo real beauty blog. I didn't read it, but seeing it, I was confused a bit. I have read many entries of the contest and they are exceptionally good on Real Beauty concept. And I was surprised and happy to see, so many different and new views. So actually if they  really mean 'Real Beuaty' then contest is a huge success. But after listening this by yahoo team member, it's really very hurting. 

Thanks for raising the concern too. 

If I say more honestly, for bloggers money is not big attraction while participating the contest, but the expression from the heart on the subject is real love.  On the other hand, publicity and markteing is the big concern for big companies who create contest. 

So they may feel what bloggers feel.

Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

As for myself...I feel the contest was a real success!! And all the winning articles focussed on real beauty from their own point of view...i feel they all deserve the win!!

About the topic being vague..well i dont think so...people have written about various aspects of beauty and all of them cannot win...jus that the winners had presented their point of view in a real beautiful way appealing to the judges which might have been a little more better than the other posts!! That is what happens for all the writing competitions right?

Myself I feel very much happy because, this was the second contest i participated in Indiblogger and for the first time my post got so much of exposure... I am sure that must have happened for so many people here. So it was a big platform for all of us right?

yes ,cinderella ji, it was a grand success, and congos on your win. well deserved one.

keep it up.

Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

Thank u Pramod ji...I won from the point of view that my post got a little more exposure...not as in I won any sponsored prize Laughing

prize is no issue Cinderella Ji , issue here may give the impression of prize as ultimate concern but that is not so. Main concern is vague topic thereby many Writers were drifted off the idea desired by organizers, which management itself was very generous to accept the anomaly. Second statement was what concerned me. They said it was duty of participants to visit their site and judge accordingly what was desired. That's all.
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

Yes Pramodji!! That part about them saying it was the duty of the participants to visit them and judge accordingly should not have happened!! For all competions, they should be giving the participants clear idea on exactly what is expected from them...Hope Indiblogger makes sure that all the competions would be giving participants clear cut instructions on what to write, what not to write, and the rules to be followed!!

yes cinderella ji, that was my only point. I voiced it on their thread and when didnot receive response, created this thread to voice and get to know if only I am on the wrong.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
You are not wrong Pramodji, the reply from the Yahoo management team did seem curt..
Arpita Majhi
Arpita Majhi
from Kolkata
13 years ago

i agree with Cindrella. the contest indeed gave us much exposure and a free flight to our imagination on such a topic. I had just written what cae to my mind first after knowing the topic.and am sure that many other bloggers have done whoever wins,what matters is that all bloggers could come up with such great and unique ideas on a trivial idea called beauty.

Arpita ji, great views, thanks.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago
I can understand your feelings, Pramod. But I guess contests sponsored by companies expect posts that connect to their brand. That is why I was always reluctant to participate in the indiblogger contests. But I participated in this contest after I saw one of my friend's post which touched a really different aspect. So I thought it is ok to approach the topic from a general way. Guess that was not so. After all there ain't any such thing as free lunches. Dove and HP and Dell are here to promote their products and not to recognize general writing talent. Their core busines is not publishing, is it? But I look to various online memes for inspiration to write most of which have no prize and no contest even. So I am happy I got a meme to write on. That is how I see it.

many thanks @The Fool, for your clear and understanding views. 

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
I feel if the organisers wanted the skin or fairness to be highlighted in the contest posts, it is shocking and apalling, it is the signal that aparthied is back in India. I am happy that i did not participate in this contest despite voting for many, thanks for highlighting the issue of the sponsorers what they expected ?
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Being a shareholder of HINDUSTAN UNILEVER i take strong objection to this line of thought, thanks for highlighting the same Pramod Lohia.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Even the so called Miss Universe contest has a motto of Beauty with a purpose promoting the concept that beautiful people should work for the downtrodden or some good cause, not boasting in isolation about being beautiful due to skin colour.

Thanks Umesh Ji , you voice very boldly and daringly. Shareholders in India, if they value their rights, and use it. In America companies like have more, etc. Were ruined by just a minor shareholder.
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Umesh, I read most of the winning entries and also red Kimi Srivatsava's comment above. They are definitely not giving that kind of a message abot beauty being skin deep. Brands as such never blatantly promote just the product features. Instead they try to create association with that which society consists noble and desirable. So Dove tries to associate its brand with women's inner beauty. So most of the posts that won were posts sharing personal experiences and observations on how beauty is just not skin deep but something of the heart. Thats the kind of emotion Dove wants to associate with its brand. So they rewarded good posts going on the lines.

The issue raised by Pramod was that the topic just used the word beauty ambigously. And the word beauty is by no means limited to women or even humans. One can easily write about nature, works of art etc. or approach the topic from a philosophical answer. Whoever approached the topic from such an an agle were disqualified and that lead to many disappointments as a reading of the topic seemed to suggest such an approach would be relavent to the topic, though if one had taken a cue from who are the sponsors and what they would be expecting, one could have guessed that is not what they may be looking for.

@The Fool, very well clarified. 

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

There was one more thing that i didnt understand. On what basis was People's Choice winner was choosen? If IndiVine votes didnt count, which votes did? Where were these votes to be accumulated?

Anyways, the contest is over. Congratulations to all Winners.

I read thrugh the whole thread and as usual, we had multiple views. As @Arti said very clearly, the next contest had got the basic error corrected. Hope we can continue our good work Smile

Hemal, thanks for clear views.

people's choice was on facebook likes, on indieblogger. they were accumulated on indie itself. Kimi ji aced the show with whooping 3000 above likes. congos to her.

I got a meagre 57 likes, highest I could get.

but the charm was great.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

YEAH!! GIRL POWA FTW!!! (FTW=For the win)

We need to have a scoreboard (just for the kicks) to see how many men/women win. This way we'll know what it takes to win(?)

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Life is beautiful, but only beauty cannot be life. Anyways i have read the perception of everyone who have posted their comments. I am waiting for the official take on the subject matter.
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Yes, we all are waiting.

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