Should there be a set pattern to your postings?

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago

like current affairs on Monday, humour on wednesday etc?

This will not apply if yours focuses on niche area of say technology.

I am wondering about this because I read that it makes reader wait with anticipation. Any insights?

Replies 1 to 13 of 13 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Nope there is no schedule for blogging, because it is supposed to emerge from one s heart

Adhokshaj Bellurkar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Umeshji: Yes, it should come from the heart. That is the essence of it. :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is the real blogging: Blogging with passion.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is what is known as a series of posting. You can create a series on 'Life in India' or something like that with some ten articles in it and post one every week. If you write interseting things, your readers will come back to read them. It is something like the serials on the television.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good point.
from hyderabad
13 years ago
@ Arti Thanks
Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago

What ranjith said makes a lot of sense. I mean  I agree that it will kinda become like 'work'. But it is the way to go.

Adhokshaj Bellurkar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

It is your call. If you feel you can take up such a job, go ahead! :) If you can pull it off, you will reap good rewards of constant following.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I follow some hugely popular blogs which follow this style and YES it does keep the reader (thats me) very interested!! But these are not Indian blogs.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

So it is confirmed. Many indian Bloggers blog for fun and it isn't a profession or an income source, for many.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Just to confirm both the Blogs dont feature ads, one of them even has a warning in the sidebar - "Ads wont be tolerated"
Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago


After I thought about it ove the weekend I realized that schedule really becomes a problem if you have a format like Monday this, Tuesday that.

But as @ranjith said if you make a series saying next one month i am going to blog about a particular topic, it solves the schedule problem. But still you are going to make 6-8 posts in next month for the reader to be interested.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

.... And when you select a topic for a month, create a special page for it which would contain a brief introduction to the topic, links and summaries of various posts. Readers find it interesting that way.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I don't have a set pattern for my blog, I just post what I want to. That's ok right?



from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is what most bloggers do... enjoy blogging....

from mumbai
13 years ago

after going  through the replies, I would like to add two points.

1. It depends on the theme of the blog. Blogs on themes like technology, society and politics will certainly benefit from regular updates.

2. Updating frequently just for the sake of it, should be avoided.  More priority should be given to content. :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Very nicely put, good points. +1
Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago


Ranjith has a good point , as usual.

I started last week with cartoons. But this week was a total washout. Just posted on for Take flight with colors. Sometimes I wish I could go to work one day of the week and blog rest of the days.

Well, someday maybe..

from hyderabad
13 years ago

If you have the passion for blogging, you can atke up blogging as a profession. Smile

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago


Now that the contests are out of the way, I thought I will return to my regular scheme of things. I have couple of posts lined up. But after that as @Ranjith suggested I am going to embark on a series of (humorous posts) on a topic. I am going to take the liberty of the schdule (2 or 3 per week). But the topic will be the same.

I have couple of topis in my mind. (But both needs like 50-100 posts!!!)

1)MahaParaatha recooked (That's how MahaBhaarath was pronounced in Discovery Channel :) )

2)Standuteese Socrates (I am reading history of philosophy and let me tell you, it is a gold mine to make fun of)

So I am posting this because,

1)which topic will you like?

2)Do you have any other suggestions?

3)More importantly, Will you help me at least by reading and clicking on like buttons :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is a very good idea. But Mahabhaarath is what everyone is somehwhat familiar with. You can choose something which we are not aware of, something like Buddhist scriptures... You need to work hard, though. 

The people at IndiBlogger are always ready to help you.

If you would like to write about Mahabharth then give it a personal touch and ask other bloggers about their opinions regarding some important events in that epic and pblich them along with the regular post.


TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago
Interesting. I have been thinking on similar lines. But I guess like how TV serial guys make some episodes and keep some buffer, one has to create posts for 5-6 weeks and keep them so that even if busy one of the weeks, posts can keep coming from the buffer.
Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Yep, You are right. Oh! it takes a lot of commitment and every time I think about it I just tell myself I will decide it later.

The difference is, the TV guys get paid for producing S****

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago


Buddhist scriptures. What are you taking revenge on me for? :)

No, I am not going to write Mahabaratha. I am going to write it the funny way like all my posts.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Just giving you a few ideas. Smile

Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

Not me! Difficult enuff to maintain alongside work as it is... would be nigh impossible to maintaining such a themed routine!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Only those who are compltely into blogging or set apart greater time for it can do it.

from mumbai
13 years ago

@ashish @ranjith plus 1

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