Help on moving blog from Blogger to Wordpress

Lighthouse Insights
Lighthouse Insights
from Pune
13 years ago


recently we have migrated our old blogger blog to wordpress self hosted one. Now to keep the old ranking we came across this artcile

It's an auto redirect script that will take your bloggers to your new site. Two questions here

1.  I have registered my old blog in Indiblogger, will this redirect help me here. In other words will it work if i don't create a new account in indiblogger or do i need to create a new one.

2. The redirect script that runs here, lands on the home page rather than a particular post if some one comes to your blog from an old article ? any help.

Guys any help would be great. thanks :)

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Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago

hmm. I wish it was as simple as a few steps but blogger to wp migration is very complicated process. There is a post you should read before doing the switch

Lighthouse Insights
Lighthouse Insights
from Pune
13 years ago

thanks aditya :) it's an elaborate one. will give a try with a backup only :D

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