Indi Network Purpose?

Pranav Gupta
Pranav Gupta
from Delhi
13 years ago

I want to know exactly with what purpose Indi Network is designed?

I am asking this because:

1. I can't see the network of people in my network;

2. I can't see the posts posted by people in my network (on my dashboard) I have to visit their individual profiles to see the new posts they have posted.

To me the whole purpose of Indi-network seems defeated apart from the fact that it shows me my network.

Any ideas about its purpose???

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Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago

True, Sometime even I feel that network shoud be highlighted more. Showing their new posts on our wall or dashboard would be a great feature.btw, the only use of the network idea is that you can send indimail if you are in wach others network 

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