how to start blogging interstingly ..............????

jaynth busi
jaynth busi
from guntur
13 years ago

i dont know how you people got this many pageviews and fanfollowing.....!!! say me some tips to become like you all.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Be true, write without expectations.

Keep the blogging basics in your mind. Read more about key words, search engine optimization. then, read the IndiBlogger discussions.

there is no topic that makes a blog interesting to all, as everyone one has a liking towards oen thing.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Plus 1 Hemal.
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Pick up the newspaper each morning. At least once a week take the main headline and write a post on your opinion on the headline. You will get hits from google. In a year or two, you will have many subscribers if your writing/blog is good.

Do NOT copy material from the paper. write your OWN opinions on the topics you select.

The above way typed before seeing you blog.

Now, after a look, here's what I suggest:

1. put up your blog for review in the review section of this site

2. use a single font for all your posts and do not change font size repeatedly.

3. Cut dow the use of CAPS and multiple periods "...." It makes it harder to read for everyone except the writer. You can use them for effect once in a while, but not too much.

4. Try a simple font like Arial, Tahoma, Times New roman, etc.

5. give credit to copyright owners of the images you are using.

6. Work on correcting grammatical errors.

7. "Nearly 5 seconds" sounds better than "less than 5 seconds".

8. pls start using spellcheck before uploading the post. You could try writing in MS Word. It would point out the grammar and spelling errors and also the "......" would be marked out for you to remove. After correction you can copy-paste the content into your blog "Add Post" page.

9. Full sentences are better than short ones 99% of the time. This applies to every post. use the short sentences for effect, not as the norm.

10. Use periods instead of exclamation marks 

11. read some good blogs to see the kind of quality english they use.

12. Try to write like a great author, not like a beginner. I realize you are a teenager, but your writing needs to reflect that from your topics, not from your use of language.

13. Regarding topics, Pick ones that are relevant to teenagers. Girls & Boys, studies, clothes, movies, music.

14. Don't be presumptuous or preachy. Contrary to what you believe you have not eperienced the worst situations that life can throw at you. I know you feel so, but that will change with time. By the time you are 30 yrs old (maybe sooner) you will realize that there are crores of people with more problems.

15. Work on your writing skills. Write essays, post reviews, share your opinion, etc without thinking about the number of followers. If you write well, the chances are higher that people will return to your blog. 

16. Decide who you want to write for (family, friends, other teenagers, adults, children, etc). You need not decide now but the faster you take this call, the better. Your target reader must come to your blog and enjoy the posts. You're own opinion of how good you write is irrelevant.

17. Take criticism well and work on suggestions given to you by people. All suggestions may not be relevant, but look at your blog to decide.


from hyderabad
13 years ago

You seem to have a mini blog at indiBlogger. :-)

Adhokshaj Bellurkar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

+17 for Rumbaho! Excellant review. Agreed with all the points. :) (Very rare for me to do so. :P)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Wow Rumbaho... Again a post, great going, plus 100:)
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@Rumbaho:  'Romba' thanks.. [ i mean to say Thank you very much, Romba -> a lot in tamil] for ur Xcellent points ..

Cheeers Smile
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

yeah Ranjith, though funnily enough, I haven't posted anything on my blog in 2 weeks. It seems like I have nothing to say since I joined IB. LOL

Adhokshaj, if you have seen the two pics side by side example, I will delete it from my blog.

Arti, yeah. again a post. I wonder if I should ask for a salary from the IB owner(s).

from Mumbai
13 years ago
You can from Indi and also from the question asker :-D:-P
Adhokshaj Bellurkar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yeah saw it. It was a great honour to be featured on your blog for a short while. :P But I guess, I ll have to let go of it! Cry

You can remove it now. Seen it. :P
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Adhokshaj, now you can be considered of the same calibre as Jayalalithaa and Barkha Dutt. Congrats! Maybe my next post will be about Rakhee Sawant. Now THAT would put you in a real elite group.


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