Why am allowed to attach so many posts to indivine and why can I vote on everyth

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I'm new, but I see a flaw here in the voting system and the visibility given to deserving posts.

I attached 4 different posts in the last couple of days. You have a 2 posts per day limit. I think that is too high. I'm glad that I can upload so many posts, but It's kinda silly too. I was able to upload existing (old posts). So, if I wanted, I could add every single post on my site and try to popularize myself. Yet, even if I were a better blogger than anyone else here, I would still not get enough attention.

I even got multiple votes from people who liked my writing. How would I know what they liked or why if they vote for everything I put up? Did they vote for 2 posts because they had already voted for one? Which one did they like better? What did they like? What did they hate? Why is my post topic relevant to them? Do they want more on the subject or have they got all they need and I should move onto something new? No feedback (mostly). Just votes.

How about this as a solution.

1. A blogger can only attach 1 post per month(or max 2). This post must be the one that he/she believe is the showcase post for their blog for their month. Here, the disadvantage is for regular bloggers, but at least bloggers will choose their best posts instead of putting everything like I have done in the last 2 days. A blogger should be able to carry forward his vote only for 1 extra month. Which means, you have 60 days to cast your vote after which you lose the right to that month's vote. If you don't use it, you lose it. This can be reset on the 1st of every month at 12:01AM or something.

2. Limited votes - 1 vote per week (or at the most 2). A voter can only vote on 1 blog per week. You already have a system where weightage on the vote is different for different voters or blog indirank or something. Let's make that vote count.

3. Links - When you vote for someone, mention them and their post with a link on your blog. If I get a vote from XYZ.com/blog, then XYZ.com/blog should mention me in their post (favourably, of course), add an excerpt from my blog and have a link to my post or blog in their post somewhere.  We follow this system on groups in flickr where if you vote for a pic in a competition, you should also add the pic as your favourite. this will give encouragement as well as visibility. And the added linkbacks (or whatever they are called) will help in any case.

4. After a certain period of time (or votes) the post can be moved into "All Time" Category and subsequently only "All Time" Category votes can be used. These can be given as 1 vote per 3 months and would note have any connection with regular votes - A total score would be Regular votes = X, and All Time votes = Y, without any connection.

5. No repeats - You cannot vote for the same person twice with the monthly vote. the second vote HAS to go to someone else. For All time votes, you can only vote for a blogger once in 3 months. 

6. Most recent vote by Freshness - Add this to the latest, 48 hrs, 1 week, 1 month, all time selection. Someone who recently got a post may have a post worth viewing, so why not give the visibility.

7. Random - give visibility to bloggers of the last 30 days by having a random tab. this way new bloggers can be discovered and given some attention. Show 5 posts that received no votes and 5 posts with votes received (without displaying the quantum of votes). By not showing the number of votes, a reader on indivine will click on any random post and start reading. This way they may chance upon something that they would normally not have read, but enjoyed anyway. Another small chance for the posts lost in the huge traffic of posts uploaded into indivine.

8. A voter MUST provide feedback to any blogger who gets their vote. May not be a full critique, but a short note (not as short as "nice one") describing positives and negatives would be welcome. The least they should do is comment SOMETHING on the blog. Comments show traffic to someone who chances by any blog. So more comments would mean that the blog may be good enough to read regularly. plus a blogger feels motivated. It helps, right?

These suggestions would help to reduce the number of posts, increase the value of votes, and bring in more traffic to blogs which deserve more visibility.

If some of the above already apply and are in active use, then pls ignore that point, cos I am new to this site and don;t know everything yet.

I just feel that such a system as described above would help new bloggers as they are the ones who really need the help (including, selfishly, yours truly). Still, old bloggers would have the presence in all-time and they would not be neglected either.

The experienced and popular bloggers can find newer ways to help themselves, but their posts would also get the same votes and visibility. So the older bloggers would not lose anything, but newer bloggers would gain a lot. After all, this site cannot survive on just the experienced blogger alone. I am sure it is newer blogger who gain inspiration that would take it forward.

err, no offence meant to anyone. Just my thoughts on this.


Rocky Singh


Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Anything apart from genuine human traffic, shares on facebook/twitter/etc. in that ranking order and comments on your blog is meaningless.

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

yes, i've mentioned points above that will help to generate traffic to deserving (or new) blogs. Specifically, see points 3, 6, 7 & 8.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Some of the points stated above seem to be good to minimise the acts of those people who keep voting for eveything. Instead of implementing the points sated above on Indivine , starting a new Vine (I don't know what it can be called as) would be better. That would be the place for the best of the posts. But your point regarding mentioning that bloggers name and link on one's site in order to vote does not seem to be a good idae. In that case no one will vote for other. No one wants to clutter their websites with outgoing links.

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