Who are the best bloggers in different categories according to you ?
I would vote for Arti ( My Yatra ) & Dhiraj ( Team G Square ) in travel category. In the Business category Shrinidhi Hande & Mohan from Bangalore are amongst the best. In photoblogging my vote would go for Rajesh Prabhu & Joshi Daniel. Purba Ray and Shrinath Vashista in Nation and current Affairs, There are many other categories which i am throwing open for selection by multitude of bloggers, i have multiple other choice of bloggers in different categories but refrain from disclosing......no prizes declared lest it calls for another selection panel and sponsorer. It is pure and impartial choice of blogging community....maybe a virtual recognition will satisfy our need for recognition.
right now this is my fav :
its fantastic and brilliant and so deliciously pieced together...
it came recommended from a friend...
Best humour blog goes to Addy- The Brainwave.
New blogs are yet to be discovered. i am giving all my efforts at http://www.techpil.com and its a matter of few day and i am sure I will be in one of the top-tech blogs at indiblogger.
Good to know that you are specialising in TECH blogging Ankit
best wishes,
Some tips from the winners would be helpful for the rest!!
Congrats to all the winners..have read a few and have to read the others.
true, the competition is intense, but with incredible hard work, dedication, and focus I manage to get the coveted prize.
I am the toughest competitor to both of you. I have registered a number of blogs on Bloggers and left all of them, except one after posting just one blog post and in most of the cases not even that,
I have got an alternative to this. My blog has multiple authors now:) and this will ensure frequent posting and that too, multiple topics
@ Animesh That's wonderful I am trying in vain to get some guest posts and was never successful I feel happy alloting my work to others
By the way, who are the other writers, your friends or co bloggers ?
@ abhi 58 And of them the only active one is A light hearted talk
Do check out this thread on IndiForum : How many blog names have you registered?
I have got another regular author for my blog. Go through my latest Indivine post to know more about it:) (Hope it is not considered as self-promotion lol)
Congrats Ranjith for your light hearted talk, it seems you are gaining eyeballs in the GENERAL CATEGORY
mine is yet to be discovered i guess
*soars high up in the air*
thanks DS! :) :) and leo also :)
@DS You should be tagged as the "Golden Digger" at IndiBlogger. You keep digging at old posts :)
Thanks a lot, DS. You have been my inspiration to continously churn outstuff the past few days. With a reader ;like you anyone will be inspired t become of good writer. Thanks a lot, Leo too.