Blogging as a profession in Future!!??!
Blogging is already a profession for few who are good and have adopted it early. It is difficult that blogging will replace newspapers as news papers present facts and blogging is more about opinions. There is market for both. There is an audience who would like to read facts while there are customers who would like opinions. And remeber opinion of bloggers is also fed by facts reported in newpapers.
However, every blogger has power to bring change which newspapers do not have. Newspaper are in the business of selling news and not reporting news where every blogger is a journalist who works to fulfill his ego and conscience. He is a change agent and should work to bring change with his compelling and intersting posts. Thats where blogger has advantage.
Yeah !! i agree with her.. blogging cant be a substitute for a newspaper.. but v can many professional bloggers in the upcoming years... this may not be due to recession, but also out of interest.. i myself like to become a professional blogger like amit agarwal !!
Blogging could be profession if you have a blog that interest a large number of audience
Blogging can be a profession if recession continues.. when i get no job.. i sit back at home..and there's plenty of time!
Yeah it can be good option in recession..... & we can also earn money by placing google Ads........
Hurmmm I really have to think about this.. everyone talking of adsense.. and I don't even have a single ad in my blog!!
Thanks for those who had taken time of responding to my post.
Though I created a blog in 2007, I did not really start working on it due to various reasons, one was that I was not confident that blogging would be a career option. Some how now I feel blogging can become a profession in about 2 to 3 years times, will discuss the reasons later.
I feel for a blog to be successful,
Phase1 (1 to 6 months)
i) You need to come up with good concept.
ii) You need to decide as who would be your target readers.
iii) Age group of the target readers.
Phase2(6 to 12 months).
iv) Plan out how you are going to increase your daily reader Base.
Phase 3(over 1 year).
v) Plan/Check whether your blogging can be a self sustaining one, meaning you need to earn revenue in the form of advertisements.
Well, I believe I still in Phase one.... will write more little later.
Happy Blogging...
Till then
Cool! All the best and keep blogging.
Thanks everyone for your participation, its interesting to read all your info. Continue posting your thoughts.
If your are an ordinary human being, I believe following are the parameter to make the blog successful.
i)Domain expertise in choosen area of blogging.
ii) Content & Presentation.
iii) Patience (this is required not only from blogging but for any new business started. In case, of blogging this patience should be an extra percentage (still it is at very nascent stage). One good thing is not there is no investment required except your time, only incentive you get during the start is 'praise' you get for the post).
If you are a famous person and known to public and if you blog, whatever you write sells!!!!...
I agree.. if you are not consistent you are out of the race.
And sometimes it's really hard!
There are already professional bloggers around. Its not just because of Recession, even after we get out of this recession (hahaha...) I can't say that with out laughing... anyway, even after recession we will certainly have a lot of people blogging for a living.
That's a nice thought and now that its mentioned I don't mind blogging as a job. But not many people can make it at that since there is a lot of competition and each person has something good to write about. But yes those who maintain consistency and attract more audience can definitely be winners at this.
Yes, Ultimately there is bound to be competition. Particularly since no cost involved in creation of Blog and anyone who has interest can blog.
But, I believe in the long run, its matter of survival of fitest. Its ultimately all about attracting more meaning, target specigic traffic to your website / Blog. To do this offcourse there are going to be challenges involved.