New feature in Dashboard

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Hello friends, I have one suggestion for a new feature in the dashboard of indiblogger. Along with the IndiFeed containing the users' recent activity, cant we include blog post links of the people we have added to our network? It would help us a lot to follow each others' blog and remain updated withy it. So if a person whom I have added to my network updates his blog, we immediately get that update in indifeed. What say guys??

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: edited the title
Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

You mean on your page, you get a feed from all the other blogs? Hmm...throwing open the discussion for technical input.

yes it would probably be nice you know... broaden the whole conncept of adding ppl 2 our network.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Saurav Its a good suggestion, but I think we can anyways see what people in our network have recently posted on their blogs once we click their respective IndiProfiles..

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good suggestion but the dashboard will become too messy I guess!!

Well, on our own dashboards, we get to see our own Indivine posts. So we should also get to see the indivine submissions of people whom we like. THat way it will also help us promote their posts.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Xeno, dont you think that will restrict you from reading others? Facilitating easy access sometimes does not go well for new bloggers.


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Fair point Hemal but that will enable us easy access to posts submitted in Indivine by our friends:)

@hemal: sorry i did not get what you meant to say. Please elaborate.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Xeno, Hemal means to say that: When your friends new posts from the IndiVine are displayed on your dashboard then there is the least proability that you will go over to IndiVine to check others posts. New bloggers cannot expand their network until they come over to the forum and start shouting blah blah blah Smile like me.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Xeno, @ranjith explained what I ment. there will be less probablitiy of people visiting other blogs, new blogs, given that everyone (except some) of us have very little time from our busy schedules.

About what you said "people whom we like", i assume you said about bloggers who are on our network.

Its a good to have feature right? I dont think its a must.

If am wrong, please let me know.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Technically, we can show a list of 3 latest threads on forum and 3 lasts posts on click of the user name in hide/show. 

My point is, the purpose of IndiFeed does not hold well. The IndiFeed shows the recent activity of activity of ppl in your network on the IndiBlogger.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats a good idea. Yes the recent replies doesnt do any good!!

uhhh.. Hemal why is your page showing recent comments in place of Indifeed? Did you submit the comments feed link?

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Oh! thats a problem!! Wonder what happened... will check that out with IndiTeam...

from Mumbai
13 years ago
It was happening sometime before too, if I am not mistaken... I had pointed it out to you!!
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Aarti I remember that! but then, it was changed too... and yes, you have a nice memory, was just wondering who pointed out to me last time around.. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is a good idea. But the bettr thing would be is to make everything user customisable. It is after all our dashboard and we should be able to choose to keep the clutter we want and discard the remaining. Truly speaking, the news feed on my dashboard makes the least sense to me.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

hmmm, that is a nice way to tak things big! +1

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Yup customised dashboard will be nice!
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Hmm.. thats what I meant, it would be a lot better if we add lots more features to the IndiFeed.. So what are the admins thinking about it?

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Just a note: We can build up the discussion here @everyone, but we will all have to have patience as well...


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Plus 1, patience is the key like always:):)

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