Find Targeted Twitter Followers for Your Blog/Site & Increase Traffic:

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Hello to all my fellow IndiBlogger friends, Being a Social Media Strategiest, I am discussing how to get Twitter/Facebook/Digg/Reddit/StumbleUpon's followers & achieve the ultimate goal More Viewership. 

Sorry If this topic is already available on this forum, but I couldn't able to find it, so I though I should start this,

Guys! If you are on Twitter, plen you need more & more followers, but if those people are not targeted enough, then they won't follow (click on) your links. So place here the Twitter username & what kind of things you are discussing through your Twitter & let other forum member's deciede whether you are suitable for them or not. 

ex: @ApexBlogger is my Twitter account, where I'm disscussing about latest tech breaking news, gadget revirews, online money making with legitamite sources (AdSense), bsic to Pro level of blogging promotion & simple HTML tips & trick.

So you fit in the bill, join me & I'll join you back...Hope to see you soon...!!! :)

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Minor Editing
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Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hi Avi,

Good to know you take Twitter seriously. Pl add your comments on this thread, just ten threads below the one you just started. It's always nice to avoid duplication.

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