How to create pages (apart from homepage) on Blogger/Blogspot? [Resolved]

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hello everybody.

Quick Question: Does anybody know how to create stand alone pages on Blogger/Blogspot? I can't seem to find a function/feature to do that. Is there a hack?

Thanks so much for your help. I'd like to create sections, I can't figure out how.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Edited topic.
Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Descending
Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@pc it depends on the template you chosen .  Go to  posting , then edit pages , there is new page button ,(You can add up to 10 stand-alone pages such as an "About Me" page. Learn more) . Currently i have two pages , home page and intro page . Hope it helps

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Ah, yes, I vaguely remember seeing that when I first set up Blogger. Ok, so I could use that method to put up my categories into their own pages?

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

simple go to the location , apart from your home page you can add 9/10 more pages .  Learn more . have attached the link of blogger help  on pages .

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Only limitation is that these pages have static information means they do not show separate posts datewise as being shown on the homepage

Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

thats true , but wihin his requirement . so no prob .

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

:-) her...

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

oops sorry ,

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

I'm a little bit confused. Can I use this method to put up older posts on separate pages?

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Eg , your tags . politics , humour , issues . so you can creat pages likes Politics , Humour , issues so on ,  give link to your posts no matter how old they are in thier respective pages and you give a brief description also . 

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


Yup. You understood me. I'd like to create pages out of my tags. OK, lets see how I manage this. :-)

Thank you for your help!

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

any time

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


Hey, DS. Now that you know my site, would you do me a favor and do a quick review here on IndiBlogger Blog Review - please point out all flaws so that I can improve the design/format within the limitations of a free Blogger account.

I really appreciate reader feedback. Thank you.

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Of course, I'll be happy to return the favor and review your site on IndiBlogger and/or Alexa.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@pc i'm bad at review , have never asked anyone for review . But will always try to help on things i know . That's it . Second i'm traveller by heart , mind and blog . So my scope is very much limited to travel blog .  Anyways there is no harm in trying . Will sure try it .

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


I understand. I just tried out the Pages widget - have a look see. I don't like the look of the red banner. Off to try to figure out how to change out.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I checked it out . They are good but can add little decription for all the labels will help for target audiences . Like in place you have added India and many other countries . I should know what except out that . for eg , i was very happy , thinking that you too write about travelling , but actually it was not the case . For changing color you can use template designer (under Design)

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

In template designer  you tab text and tab background to change colors way you like .

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


So THAT'S what TAB means. I've been wondering for such a long time about that! THANK YOU!

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


Oh no, i'm sorry to disappoint. But the Blog Header says this is a commentary on politics, policy, current affairs and human interest news. Do you think I need to write that again on the pages?

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@ PC ,Innocent

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


I figured you would answer yes so I added the signature one line blog description to each page.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Now your blog looks wonderful , page color also matching the template now .

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

@DS. Yay! Thanks. when I open my blog in Chrome, the blog title has disappeared. Glad you could see it! Maybe it's just a new bug in my Chrome.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@ pc , i tried now there is no problem with IE and MF

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

@DS. Thanks. Good to know! I guess everything is ok as long as the world can see the title.

Hey is there a limit of 10 pages for blogger??? Is there anyway to hack out of that limit???

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

If you don't get a response in a day, maybe you should put that query up separately.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I have no idea . But why do you want so many of them .

If you see my site Sarcasti-Nation you will know. I like playing around with pages. And since I have a drop down menu, it doesn't clutter my blog too. More pages can be used for fun.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Agreed , Mr Xeno

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