Do you feel that only bloggers read blogs?
Somehow, from what I've seen on comments on both my blog and other blog, it appears to me that blogs are only visited by people who have blogs of their own. Now, the question(s) I want to ask is this:
1) Do you feel this true?
2) If yes, why is this? Is it because only bloggers are informed about blogs? Is it because of communities like this that generally connect bloggers with other bloggers? Is it because people only comment hoping to get comments on their blogs?
3) Is this is a good thing or a bad thing? Are we reaching a very select audience or are we catering to a certain part of the internet users?
people searching google, etc. land on blogs. and read. but they seldom comment. only bloggers comment in 90% cases.
But why would that be? Because they want you to come back on your blog?
@Arti: I think you might be right...the search engine people simply do not comment as often, and comments do appear to depend on the audience you're targetting.
@Rohan: I guess you're right. It must just be me then, or perhaps my marketing ;)
I think it depends hugely on the niche of your blog, people coming in from Google will only comment if they like something extraordinarily or if they have a question which they feel that the blogger will be able to answer...
My readers are almost all from google, some leave comments but very rarely!
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