Suggestions to Indiblogger team ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Based on my user experience of Indiblogger website, i have the following suggestions

1.  Profile statistics no of Blog links loaded, Topics and Replies member wise stats req

2.  Original content screening, some posts seem to rip off from other bloggers

3.  Post or Topic Ranking by other members from 1 to 10

any other suggestions from other members are welcome on this thread



Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Surprising nobody has any suggestions to Indiblogger team in that case i got to withdraw mine i presume Lolz, how do i do it, by pressing report but or editing the topic LolzCool

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Nice suggestions, loved the first one:)

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Of course profile wise contribution helps to track and follow the bloggers Arti. 

I support point 2 and 3.

Adding an 'About Me' to the blogger profile would be great!

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@ MC Suprisingly nothing about the profile of the blogger is viewable, only when it is linked to his post, one can view the same. provided the blogger has updated his profile.  It is a very useful suggestions hope Indiblogger team implements the same, it would be gr8 to have a glimse of the profile of prolific blogger.

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Count me !

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes of course, please pen ONE suggestions V at least for IB

Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago
Agree with the third point ,
Lighthouse Insights
Lighthouse Insights
from Pune
13 years ago

how about improving the comment sections in the threads :)

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