How naked are you in your blog?

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Blogging is confesional to many people. Its somewhat therapautic. Unpoken and unsaid words, find its way out in this platform. Things which cannot be shared in physical presence, is vented out through your writings. But how exposed is your inner self when you do this? Do you bare it all? and face the tune of the community with which you are acquainted through a few strokes of the keyboard?

How concerned are you about your reader's reaction? About putting up a controversial viewpoint on a subject/object that might be a offshoot of our societal beliefs?

Do share your thoughts here...

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I can't say I am completely candid with my posts, because I know that there are ex-friends & jealous family emembers constantly erading just so they can keep tabs on me. But I have shared a lot of personal information too. Maybe I would have shared more if I hid behind the shroud on anonymity like a lot of bloggers out there.

from Kolkata
13 years ago

@Vaz- Completely agree with you. There are certain factors that stops us from saying it all. But that again, comes out in a abstract way. And sometimes you write about it, so that the person for whom it is intended for understands what it means :-) 



from Mumbai
13 years ago

Agree@Sauvik and let me confess I have done that:)

"And sometimes you write about it, so that the person for whom it is intended for understands what it means :-) "

My blog is rated safe for family i think.. So Tongue out I wear proper safety gear while posting pictures there...

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Haha! lest you forget to wear it someday, and the sky falls down upon u :)

Hunky @
from Kolkata
13 years ago

who would care by the way Money mouth, i am not like those having a zillion hits of such Tongue out. But yeah, i stay honest about the good blogging rules.. No stollen content !!! around 98% of the data on my blog, including 95% of pictures are taken by the blog members (who helps me to run the show) Sealed.

Only the news section is the one which operates in referance from out side source, but thats not more than 5 to 8% of the blog and I dont highlight that section either !!!

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Bloggers get bold with is better to wait for the wine to mature in the cask....LolzCool

from Kolkata
13 years ago

rightly said umesh ji! :) Venting out is matures with time and then one day it explodes :)

Medha Nagur
Medha Nagur
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Very true that blogging is indeed confessional! As u said what cannot be told in reality to real friends, some times I try to tell it virtually (blog) to my virtual friends (bloggers/readers). But then I stop from exposing too much since some of my real friends do track my blog.

And as far as controversial topics are concerned they might bring in traffic but also brings in lot of side effects!

from Kolkata
13 years ago

@Pinky: you just stole the words from my mouth. And again another problem are the x's and y's. write about the x, y gets mad. write about the y, and x gets sad :-( But jokes apart, about controversial topics i believe since blogging is something you do for the long term, its always right to stick to your own views. writing about a controversial viewpoint, might give you an initial burst of topic, but you might loose readers, if you aint consistent :)

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

I always use abbreviations for friends/family names e.g AK for AK :) 

I am still shy of posting pictures of people be it family or friends or even myself. One of the reasons is because I write about money matters, and people want to guard their money matters as much as matters under the sheets ;)

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Lol... loved your analogy... well.. i gotta read your blog... then if its about money making :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I am totally and completely naked in my blog! Heck there are stories of being pwnd and abused by some of the females I have known in my life! Although not a vast difference from my real life.....I'm known as Mallika Sherawat in my Hostel! (That is again too much information)
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

wonder what to make that statement! ;)

from Kolkata
13 years ago

@Addy: You are one heck of a guy. ave gone thru ur posts quite number of times. And being the Mallika sherawat of ur hostel is a dicey situation. Depends on what parameters, they call u that... do you further explanation? lol

Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

Sauvik: My blog is less about making money, more about how we deal and emotionaly connect with money, though you may find some garnishing on specific money making/conserving/growing ideas. Do visit it

from Sharjah
13 years ago
mine is pure self indulgent porn. iam a cyber whore.
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


Laughing where is the ROFLMAU smiley???

from Mumbai
13 years ago

LOL @tys

Boss, you have an amazing blog I must admit

from Sharjah
13 years ago

i aim to please, at my looks like iam a whore who pays u to have sex with me...god, imagine what that does to my self esteem!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Who knows if you enjoy it LOL

from Kolkata
13 years ago

@Tys and Animesh: yeah ... tys' blog has been one of the awesome blogs i have visited lately. complete and naked as we say :) lol

from Kolkata
13 years ago

@Xeno and PC: SealedEmbarassed

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

@all the men replying to this sub-thread started by tys: Kiss

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I try to conceal a majority of things in my blogs. I don't like to simply go around telling each and every thing about myself.

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Well said Ranjith. That precisely depends on the purpose of your blog. I have seen people, wirting for a reason, and they convey the message in such a subtle way, that nothing else comes out except what is to be said. 

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