Google Analytics not tracking my blog

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I changed my blog template some 10 days ago and when I checked the Google analytics page today, it was showing 0 in the visitors overview from that day...

But it is showing a green check mark on the status.

What do I do?

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Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

It shouldn't be so! I have changed my tamplates couple of times. 

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Does the analytics still show the visitors?

arti ji you have to add and make some change in your edit html code of your blog. there is remedy written in webmaster tools.

something i remeber disallow has to be changed to allow I think. 

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks Pramodji. I think I will have to add the code again in the html code of the new template. Will try it out today.
from Mumbai
13 years ago

It is tracking now...Smile

Just had to put the code again in template html editor!

Thanks to all!!

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