Pl guide me regarding norms of posting topic in IndiVine ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Whether Indiblog police is active in blocking contents, which are not in keeping with its norms or is it that too many blogs are not allowed from a single author.  I am totally unaware of the guidelines used by Indiblogger team.  Some useful topics on gas connection controversy too has been ignored.....somebody please clarify

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no on blocks any indivine  topic as per my knowledge. you must be making some error in posting. or your blog may be having some trouble.

I think it's an automatic process of your post appearing on indivine, once you click the submit button. 


after that if anyone reports that topic, then only something happens.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

well Pramod as far as i know i had submitted, the same as per procedure, it has not automatically uploaded, so the chances of someone reporting against the topic does not arise, let me try uploading once againCool

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Cool At last the post has been uploaded, but the time lag in publishing is the key issue i believe. Thanks Pramod

great, then it must be some trouble with new version of indi

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Pramod I believe there must be some time lag in posting with the new version of Indi....anyways as long as it works it is good.Cool

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Again i find i am unable to post this link

Which is already referred to Indi team

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Achyuth Sankar Achyuth Sankar4 hours ago Hi :)

Over lapping noticed in mail box

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