Comments - How Honest Are You?
We all like to hear from others about our blog posts in the form of COMMENTS.
Do you like to drop a "nice post" comment even when you are feeling it was worthless? Do you write a comment to stay in touch with other bloggers? Or do you comment on other's posts for, let me be candid here, reciprocation?
Do you feel that acquaintence with a blogger makes you a little softer in approach with him/her while reading and commenting on his/her posts? Meaning that if you didn't know the blogger, you could have been more straightforward, blunt and critical of the post..... rather than playing safe, and being diplomatic now when you happen to know the blogger as a person.
I'm really curious to know this that what is the impact of anticipated reciprocation and acquaintance with a blogger on our comments? Or else you feel ther is some other factor, then share that too.
Do let me know!! and feel free, be candid, be honest !
I drop comments for basically reasons.
1. I really like the article/blog/blogger. (by my own crazy standards)
2. My comment will get attention from the writer atleast once.
3. Returning the favor. (go ahead beat me to death for that)
In the above process, my comments are always, post reading the article. When you are leaving your mark on one's blog, you've gotta make the best of it! Then again, you gave your precious time to the article might as well let the writer know about that with a precious comment. Everybody loves comments!
"Nice post", "good read", "I like it" kind of comments only portray you as attention seeking (not giving) blogger which is frowned upon everywhere and you lose your charm.
Very well said Addy! You covered up most of the aspects.
Really like ur honesty (refer to point no. 3!!)
btw, hope u checked the reply to your comment on my blog : )
As Addy has said,
>> post reading the article. When you are leaving your mark on one's blog, you've gotta make the best of it! Then again, you gave your precious time to the article might as well let the writer know about that with a precious comment. Everybody loves comments!
I feel the same what Addy said! And I know the blogger or not ...but I avoid some hurting comments. Because, if I don't like something, still I understand how much time and dedication the writer has given to make the post beautiful. So my straightforwardness may discourage new blogger. So best way is to highlight good things i liked. Most of the times I like to give long I read the article with heart and to describe my feeings...fully. And also I try to visit that blog post again to see the reply of the writer. If writer don't give reply I feel very sad!
Mohini, hi!!
really liked ur comment here! agree with u completely, it hurts a new blogger, if someone leaves a stinging comment. But what do u say about old, established bloggers? would u be equally concerned? or you would like them to know how u really feel, as by now they would have learnt to handle criticism too?
It's really worthy appreciating that u go back to check the reply of your comment by the blogger.
I make sure to reply to each comment individually. At times, i get late and take 2-3 days but i reply with a lot of care and personal touch. You made me realise the value of it : )
thanks for your comment dear! and thanks for visiting my blog too : )
Mohini said it right! When you don't like a post, don't comment. Too much of criticism might discourage new bloggers. Of course there will be exceptions. Some writers' posts require us to criticize, in that case I do not want to lose the fun of criticizing. Sometimes, if there is something I want to criticize I make sure to highlight some good point in their post first and then go ahead with my criticism. That way, it gets balanced.
I make sure to comment only after reading the post. If not completely, when it is a really big post, I try to get a hang of it by browsing through the post for its crux and write my comment only after that. After all, comments are one of the most important form of encouragement we can give to a fellow blogger. Even if I am indifferent to a post after reading it, I try to comment sometimes only to encourage them.
Also, I make sure to reply my comments. That is very important to show gratitude to the blogger who has taken his/her time to visit your blog, read your post and comment on it. And by doing all this, we also maintain relation with fellow bloggers. This is how I have come across some of the most wonderful people in the network.
Hi Reastless Thanks a lot dear!
Actually I am seriusly blogging just from 2 or 3 months...most of the bloggers I read are Indis. They are exceptionally good writers. and of course many of them are my good friends Still if I feel anything suggest i mail them personally....if they are in my contacts but avoid public critisism. For very close friends......if i disagree on some issues give balanced comment as described by Vee. The important thing I try maintain is don't write anything on my blog or others' blogs with personal hatred. To use the blogs for personal revenges is the very unsophisticated and immature thing. And of course friendship is most important though we disagree! For me all commentators are my best they have spent their precious time to read me and give feedback for them. BTW I love your writing style. I felt that one of my close friend is talking with whom i was searching from many years!
@Vee Thanks a lot dear! :) you have written most of I wished to write.!
And yes if critised my close friends.....still my lang show the affection...we have so the writer and readers also will love the comment. (i hope not hurt anybody yet intentionally. :))
I comment for the following reasons:
* when I hit upon something I had long been searching for and it's a true blue "this is what I wanted" moment - long drawn comment for the most part
* when I feel the author is one amazing writer
* the cursory yes-I-read-your-blog and returning-the-favour comments. The latter become heartfelt if my interest is retained
There are more but these are the ones that strike me now. As for honesty, that dwindles a bit in the last category :) but I am myself more often that not.
thanks for ur reply!
Yes, true, at times, we do that (3)!!!
wow! that's great! I guess every blogger loves it when someone cares to read his/her blog with such great interest.
Thanks Reastless, A reader loves and enjoys the great reads, and its a great prievilege one gets for free.
I comment on all the posts that I read and like. Usually my comments have atleast 5 words with more than a syllable each!!
I wouldn't exactly be pleased if someone didn't like something I wrote, and specially wrote down a comment to inform me of that. So, I don't tend to comment on any post that I don't like. That doesn't mean I can't handle criticism, though, it just means I don't like to criticise.
One of the things that I really don't like is that if I comment on someone's post that I actually loved, they visit my blog and comment on the first post they see, something like "Nice post. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting." I mean, Gee, it's not like I wanted you to 'return the favour'! These comments are spam for me! Worse than just the "I like your post" comment. Such people probably expect me to actually visit their blog and 'return the favour' too, but I don't do that either!
Priya..... ROFL!!!!!
Yes, i understand that!!!!!
but, u know sometimes, it's ppl's way to get communicative with u, may be it's just a beginning of better interaction.... so be positive.... but yes, it does irritate a bit :)
Well, I guess I need to improve my interaction skills, don't I?
But that's not what I meant, if I wanted to create a rapport with someone I'd start by actually reading and commenting on the content of the post, than a random comment, you know!
@ Priya, nice issue raised up. It surely is irritable to the person who has taken full time in reading then write up appropriate comments.
then when one recieves cold comment, its hurting, but one can think of the person who doesn't even come to your blog back, so one can use the theory of relativity of einstien here.
many a times, this how you bring up blogger pals @priya and it some times does help!
Hey Vee!
You have a balanced way of doing things, that's so good. Telling something positive first is always good, before u hand out some tough points.
Well said that this form of communication, ie comments, are an important way of encouragement for bloggers.
thanks so much for giving a deep thought to this topic : )
I think i would be direct when I don't agree with something, but showing disrespect of any sort is not me. But if knowing a person stops me from saying what i really mean to say... then I'll rethink about the whole issue. Because, for me conveying what i'm thinking is very important. even if that means, i don't write a comment and instead write a mail.
u r a sweet person, Mohini, remain like this :)
Rightly said! Thanks hear..sweet is really sweet. You write really sweet.
hmmm...thats a great idea....what u r saying is that when u disagree with a post, you will send the comment as a mail rather than put your disagreement in a public forum...thats really a very nice gives the other a chance to explain and perhaps even retract with dignity...thats a rare but perhaps a beautiful method...nice.
Very good question there! I only comment on the posts that I like. Also, there are always 1 or 2 points that i make to the blogger which I am not in agreement with in almost every comment I write.
thanks Sanjay!
It's good that u express ur honest thoughts on the posts which u like :)
Comments play a very important role in giving a post some respect..I don't know if you know this but the tendency to look at the comments section of the crowd is more if people see comments then they read the posts..
Its a give and take I generally read the entire post and then pass on a comment, but I refrain from being abusive or too sarcastic because those comments never get published. You can say very harsh things in very soft ways..and I am learning that trick over a period of time.
I feel its my moral duty to checkout somebodies blog if he paid a visit to mine simply because blogging is not just about adding content but also building a strong readership and community. You might call it diplomatic but this is how it works. I am not very diplomatic in personal life but blogging is teaching me a lot of things which I might have never learnt otherwise.
Also very important point..It is also a way to add back link and also get more traffic to your blog..I get around 5 % to 10 % of traffic from the comments I posted. I you add a quality comment people reading the comment definitely want to reach your blog. I hope I am honest enough...
Usually I post comments, when I really liked the post. I don't go to every post and try to leave comments just to get attetntion. I think some day the truness/candid will pay off. I don't post any bad comments as Harsad said, lot of our posts see and judge by comments.
if the post is not impressive to my standards I just don't drop any comment. That's all.
But If I see a post that seeks advice, inputs, opinions I won't hesitate to drop my opinion if it does not match with the writer. But I will do that only if the writer asks for the opinions. Because I will do that someitmes, i expect the true comments and opinions helps the writer.
i dont usually comment. i read , enjoy and carry on.
yep. iam one of those.
but when i do. i say what i feel about the blog. mostly iam kind. but when the post is looking for a reaction, i tend to give the author his/her due. what can i say? i like being nice.
but personally i enjoy straight forward , candid comments to my posts. thankfully the readers i hve normally lets me have it. i kinda like them for that.
People turn me off when they comment "visit my blog and hope you will follow"
I am moody! I do regularly visit a very few blogs, very few. I can count them with my fingers. Otherwise I just stray without any preference.
Comments are vital for any Blogger. Inspiring comments push him/her to do more. Comments like "follow me" make things worse. IF you genuiely like someone's blog and writing you never think twice before you comment and if you do expect that person to come and comment on your blog coz you commented, its wrong.
Its also possbiel that you might like some posts rather than the whole blog. So its better to comment for some posts rather than the whole blogs.
I do return favor sometimes, its because to let the blogger know that i acknowledge their comment on my blog. Its healthy. However it only turns me off when they ask for it.
wanna mention what i said earlier.
many a times, this how you bring up blogger pals @priya and it some times does help!
rightly said, asking a return favor looks a little awkward, and people should avoid these things.
I do visit a lot of blogs on a regular basis and some sporadically and some when they are referred to! Across all the blogs, I try to follow a similar rule of commenting if I like something, adding if there is anything particular that I liked or would want to be added (if possible) and/or my feelings!
I do not like to ask people to come and view my posts (not anymore) or when people do the same on my blog.. or when they ask me to support their post/blog for some or the other contest!
If I do not like a post, in most cases I avoid writing anything. Unless it is something which I feel very strongly against (as was the case with witty jester).. then I put down my thoughts and am ready to argur them out!
Of course, at times there are some favors which need to be repaid and I duly fulfil my obligations. Sometimes it may be to acknowledge their comments on my blog, sometimes for some other reasons!
very well said,
Even today i returned Rs 100/- excess change returned by the shopkeeper
He was supposed to return Rs 380 but he gave me Rs 480/-
nice move umesh ji, you will surely receive gala reward.
Quite honestly, if I knew the blogger better I'd be more willing to give a critic's opinion of the post.
I do sometimes post my criticisms even on blogs that I dont know the author of, but its rarer and if I dont like the post so much I just dont comment. If I like it and still think it could do with improvement, I give a balanced and fair review as far as possible.
treat ur comments as a content when u post, thatway you will merely not comment but engage with the blogger and the blogger will aslo think that his purpose of writeing has fullfilled. We make sure that we check the profile and leave a comment in return in his/her blog if it is likeable.
Hi Restless,
I am a lazy blogger, and Whatever time i can squeeze out for blog reading, I just read them. And honestly speaking, whenever someone comments onmy blog, i do acknowledge their comment, but if thier blog is not my type, i dont comment, not even "Nice", "good post", etc etc. Really, I dont like this "you scratch my back and I scratch yours" attitude. If I like, I do really pour my words in and make it point to add that person in my blog list. There have been times, when we met while bloggins, talked and even used to meet up in person, every weekend a group of 3-4 and talk and have a good time all for sharing the philosophies of life :-)
I think, a fellow blogger adds an awesome dimension to your life, if you find a similar mind and
I agree. And its more than annoying when someone seems to be commenting just so you'll go on their blog.
When the topic engages me, I engage back with the author with meaty comments.
When the topic does not engage me (esp. personal blogs or literature that did not touch me), I leave encouraging general comments.
Since I run a politics and news commentary blog, I would like people to be honest and engage in real debates when they comment on my blog. Opposing viewpoints are welcome, trolling is not.