Indiblogger Meet @ Blore ISKCON

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

imagine a child smile,

because you have fed it live,

with iskcon initiative.

Join the Akshya Patra movement,

to drive the underprivileged children,

into the world of satisfied bellies

and open the door of knowledge.

Feeding the underprivileged children was a small step which was initiated way back in 2000 by ISKCON.  Today 1.2 million children are fed in 8 states.  Their aim is to feed 5 million in the next five years.  

The Indiblogger meet was organised in their auditorium, and it was good to revive the old memories of Fortune meet in Blore last.  Unfortunately i could not attend the Kyra Meet of this forum.  It was good to catch up with Anoop, Laxmi, Bharat, Vineet and many others.  

Intro session as usual had some fire and 25 seconds count down was a great concept.  Go to Jail was an appropriate way of ending the intro on the screen i presume.  Gathering comments was another session which saw some of them being rewarded with a potrait.  Laxmi got a marriage proposal too in her comment.  I had penned V which could mean anything from VIP, Victory, Voluntary, or somebody termed it as a vendetta.  Being a civil defence personnel i cannot think of it.  We have to excuse 100 times errors or b****ers being committed by individuals before taking them to task.

I thank the sponsorers for a wonderful lunch and T shirt which the management of Indiblogger gladly gave.  Guys i am sure next time we catch we are going to rock.  It is always great to meet some lovely guys.

walk the talk guys not only talk the walk.........we should be guys of action too.



Edited 13 years ago
Reason: basically the finish touch was required.
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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Some guys were talking of  involvement through donation and other means by dishing out ideas and spread the message of ISKCON initiative.  I strongly believe that apart from monetary contribution, the joy of giving if it is physical, it will more than double.  Imagine feeding a child with your presence at the school premises during the lunch time. Experience the joy of serving the children, it will give one a sublime and supreme satisfaction.  If the ISKCON management is ready to involve the volunteers in this venture i am ready to spare some time towards the same.

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