Indimail to Blogreaders.

Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

Can indimail send out email automatically by sending blog post link to "my blog readers" once the post is submitted in indivine.

This will help, like minded bloggers not to miss out each others post and also increase traffic.

Whats the suggestions from the rest of the forum?

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Delhi
14 years ago

but all the readers are not supposed to  a member of

Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

True, my main point is to use "my blog reader" in the dashboard and inform them that a post have been published in the blog.

Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

Rakesh, precisely that what my expectation.  To make it easy, let mail be sent to blog readers (under dashboard).

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