Rajee Sood
Rajee Sood
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi I am an Interior Designer ,and pretty new to the bloggging world...would love for all design and style enthusiasts to check out my blog.And as Pavan was mentioning in another topic...I have traffic but can not get my viewers to leave comments.Any suggestions are welcome.


Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
Naveen Roy
Naveen Roy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Wow! A great blog there Rajee...and some great pictures to go with it!

Well, we do not always get comments on our blogs, but its good you are getting many people try to write provocative stuff so other people comment, but I think the topic you write on is a niche....

Some things you can change - IMHO....

The header image is too large....For such beautiful subject and pictures, you need to use another blog template that uses space more effectively....change the layout a bit, think that will change things..

But all in all, great going!

Naveen Roy
Naveen Roy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

And I also came across this great topic on the forum by Debajyoti on how to Improve your blog and get more traffic..

This is also a sticky on the forum...

Rajee Sood
Rajee Sood
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi Naveen,

Thanks a ton for all your compliments and reviews.But before I say any thing more I have to be absolutely  honest...I am completely technology are soooo ...right about that template...I find it wastes so much of my space and limits me in the layout.It was a miracle I figured my way around this basic template...but as I move on and want to be more thorough...I realise it has to be another template...will definitly work around the layout bit...yes I think it is becoming a bit of a hodge-podge...Hey again thanks for that ref. to Debajyoti's topic...

Hope I'll hear from you again biker.



Naveen Roy
Naveen Roy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Did this person suddenly up and leave IndiBlogger???

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

@naveen - no, it went back into moderation cause of an edit. Rajee Sood is back. Smile

Rajee Sood
Rajee Sood
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi  guys,

you talking about me...very much here...InnocentLaughing...


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