Its raining snow on Wordpress blogs...literally!
Wordpress has comeup with an interesting feature - Make It Snow Around the World.
The elite Wordpress users, Read on...:)
Non WP users here's a link to my blog (Ok i am not promoting my blog here) to see whats it all about...:)
PS: WP always tries to set up a benchmark
Edited 14 years ago
Reason: general edit
Reason: general edit
you just have to check the snow check box in your appearance->extras.
viola!!! its snowing in your blog :D
Have set it for my wordpress blog. Super
The effect of snowflakes falling needs just a small piece of JavaScript code. I wish WP would let us use some JS in the same way as the snowflakes, with their permission.
I know. I first experienced it last year, and it was so amazing. I love this feature.