How to get a Google page rank?

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Namaste all!

Can you please tell me the tips and tricks to get higher google PR?

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
from durgapur
13 years ago

n do u mind telling how to get link backs from high pr websites? what for example.....plz.....

from Latur
13 years ago

just create quality content, if it's worth to link back then people will definitely mention your post on their site or blog.

from Kerala
13 years ago

There are a lot of ways to get back links - Here few tips

1. Write quality unique contents so others may quote your article in their blog

2. Blog commenting - Place comments on other high ranked blogs with your URL

3. Guest blogging - Write articles in other high PR blogs

4. Write articles in article directories like Ezinearticles.

5. Forum posting- Jpin a high PR forum of similar niche and become a regular active member- Most of the forums allow do follow signature back links

6. If you are a developer - Can make some software, plugins or themes with a back link towards your site.

7. Do active social networking

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Thanks a lot for all information. This is very helpful. What about alexa PR? I have seen volt rank site. By which if you give space for ads, they will give backlink or something like that for link exchange. What are your thoughts?

Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Lot of gyan here. Good that I saw this thread Smile

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Thanks Sanjay,

Plz share your thoughts on this topic

Hemanth Kumar
Hemanth Kumar
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

As we know Content is King, First write great posts, then promote it. If you ave great content, if you did not promote it, no use. To promote your blog, be active on social network, connect with fellow bloggers, comment on other blogs. The more backlinks you get, you will get a good PR. If your content is referred on other blogs you will get back links. Other ways to get back links are write guest posts, comment on other blogs, Do something in favour of fellow bloggers like promoting their blog on your blog, they will definetly give back something to you.

Write Killer posts and maintain frequency of posting. All da best bloggers.


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Thanks a lot Hemant. This is very helpful. Indiblgger is great.

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

All the Bloggers can you plz share your experiences at the starting of the Blog and how do you catched the readers?

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