How to do work-blog balance??

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Inspite of hectic office hours, I really wonder how people find time to update their blogs regularly? I've seen many of my friends who used to update their blogs quite often during college days and later, they stopped updating when they started working. Even I find difficulty in updating my blog these days. That doesn't mean lack of ideas.

I really like to know how you people find time for blogging?

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Kerala
13 years ago

If you are in Wordpress platform, post schedule is the  best option. Write as much as you can during free time and schedule it.

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm in blogger. Is there such kind of tool in blogger?

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

If u have the time to write, how is posting it on blog becoming a trouble? Keep them safe in a word file n copy it n paste once you feel the need!! Simple Tongue out

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@naveen : lol.. my earlier reply was offtopic..

from Bengaluru
13 years ago


from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@Naveen .. But I really want to know how u ppl find time updating your blogs, esp.. if you have to stretch out in office everyday.. just need some gyaan..

Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

Second what Naveen said... same as what I do... I also try and maintain a word file of interesting topics that I want to write on... even now, I have couple of complete posts with me... just waiting to be put out there!!!

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Satya...did u watch Inception? Or how else could you be travelling through my dreams n saying that i update blog regularly and be busy at office day in and day out? Tongue out I am still a student Satya & i rarely update my blog...

I wanna put up the Indi-Lazy badge if available, in my blog Innocent

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

You can put up a silly stick note in your desktop and put up any interesting ideas or topics you get, any time and it stays there!! 

Nostalgic that gone are those days when stick notes meant real stickable paper and desktop meant your table top! Frown

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@naveen.. my first post itself starts with 'inspite of hectic office hours...'.. So, I naturally think that the guys who answer the question are working ppl.. :P

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@naveen.. Nostalgic that gone are those days when stick notes meant real stickable paper and desktop meant your table top!

I like that line...

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Haha...there could be people like me too, who has nothing else to do n pop up with a comment anywhere n everywhere Tongue out

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Thanks Satya...even i liked!! 

Ur compliment :P

Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

Just write whenever you have some free time, just finish the writing at some portion and dont keep it hanging... and make sure u capture all points as they come, even if in bullet form, if not in proper post form! most of the posts on my blog are written in that way, except some of the impulsive posts! check them out at

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

thanks aashish.. Though I know about this tip, I never tried implementing it.. Guess its the time to do that..

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

Whats blogging according to u ? If it is just part of life... then how do u manage work-life balance?

It all depends on how you prioritize your activities..



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