Need Help IndiTeam
I tried to submit post through but I failed to do so as it is showing that I am not the author of my own blog.Please help me out.
please help.
the blog looks fine..are u able to manage posts...
chck if u can edit some post? or any other managing posts etc
The reason might be that the blog link that you must have given there must have been from you other blog-
This is the only possible reason. I too had got this error once but then I instantaneously understood why it is so. This happens often when you are submitting in hurry and you have two blogs registered or indiblogger. Hope it helps :)
@unknown -problem part is submission in indivine.Yes I can edit and manage post.Thanks for the help.
@shantinath-I think you are right ,now what should I do?Plz guide me.
indivine ok.. I thgt..u were not able to post from blogger..
ur welcome anyways..
indivine posts
Let's suppose you want to post this article of titled- "Time Is The Only Answer", then here is what you must do.In select you blog menu, you must choose- post URL column, you must post this link- things as usual. This way, I think it will work perfectly :) :)
I think he is right pratibha ....try that also
no sis I tried that.
pratibha ...check ur indimail
anytime!! :)
not yet just thanking my sis for sending indimail to renie as he is not added in my network.
Addy plz help.
Do the things I have written and then tell me what happens :)
@shantinath-that worked and my post is submitted now.What does that mean everytime I will post I need to add month and year also.just a query and not whether my problem is solved or not.
typo don't know whether
@Doc you have two blogs submitted in your profile.
The post that you want to submit, which blog does it belong to? Are you selecting the apt blog from the drop down list (in the form) while submitting it on indivine?
Your problem is definitely solved as I can see your post there. and why will you need to give month and year!!!!! That's nowhere asked while submitting posts in IndiVine....
Ohhkk here is what actually what you faced and what is its meaning-
Let's suppose you have two blogs named X and Y, registerd on indiblogger. and let's also suppose that you have written one POST named A in your blog X and one post named B in your blog Y.
Now, the point is that if you want to submit your post 'A' in IndiVine, then you must give the name X in 'select the blog' column, and you must give the URL of 'A' in 'Post URL:' column. The reason for this being quite obvious, you can't tell Mr. xyz to fetch a particular medicine and give him the address of a bar (in stead of medicine shop). Hope you understand the matter. Thanks :)
@Addy-I tried to post again but now it is showing that you can't submit more than 2 post in 24 hrs but I posted 1 only.This one is another problem.
I think this is a serious bug in indivine system and the admin needs to take notice of this. I too was getting this error a few days ago.
Actually what happens is that it counts the no. of attempts to submit a post(although it should not be doing so). So this means that even if you have submitted only one post but you have made unsuccessful attempts to submit your post two times in the 24 hrs. then it won't allow you to post.
It counts this 2 attempts to post as two posts actually submitted. This is a serious bug and admin must take care of this.
Helloooo IndiPolice, please bring it to the notice of Renie :)
@Doc I cannot view all your indivine posts to see if there has been a post before. You'll have to do that yourself, Go to Indivine>My posts and let me know if the post you wanted to submit is already there.
@Shantinath Will check on it and get to Renie on this! Thanks for reporting.
Yes its there.
Okay so your post is already submitted and I am guessing both were submitted in the 24 hours period. So that pretty much solves your problem. Right?
Any other assistance Doc?
@Addy: most welcome
thanks shantikanth for your concern and precious time .
@Addy-Yes I think so and I know in case their will be any problem I know you people are there.Thanks a lot for all the help and time.
@thanks unknown for the help.
salute to indipolice from me
bye indibloggers and indipolice.
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