Indibloggers, the is here!

Shrikant Joshi
Shrikant Joshi
from Pune
14 years ago

I've been writing short-stories for a while & looking up websites where I can submit my stories & get to know what people think of them.

Yes, I do get good ratings when I submit my short-stories on the IndiVine. Yes, there are a few websites that cater specifically to certain niche genres such as sci-fi - but I found none when it comes to short-stories & short-fiction as a whole! I'm sure a lot others like me must have attempted the same & found no solution.

So I thought, if there are others like me, why not start a magazine of short-stories submitted & curated by us short-story aficionados?

Voila! We now have the!

The is a place where selected short stories will be featured every week. Any genre - poetry or prose, any length - as long as it is short-fiction (i.e. < 2500 words) is welcome! Read the submission guidelinesupload your story, or join the team as an editor.

Eventually, I hope to publish a regular (fortnightly or monthly) magazine/anthology of the stories that get featured on the - but for now it's all FOC - free-of-cost. We don't charge, we don't pay! 

Looking forward to see you guys there, too!

PS: I created the domain out of the free .in domain that BigRock gave is at #IndiMum, I thought that it was only fair that I share this on the IndiForums first. Hope I'm not spamming - just wanted to share. :)

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
from Bangalore
14 years ago

By what date will your dustbin be up and running?

Shrikant Joshi
Shrikant Joshi
from Pune
14 years ago

The is up & running, already. :)

We're now accepting short-stories of all genres - one sentence, 55 word, flash fiction, and short stories under 2500 words. A few stories have already come in - waiting for more! :)

The whole purpose of the is two-fold:

  1. To provide a platform for budding short-fiction authors
  2. To collect, arguably, the best short stories that exist!


Sourav C. Pandey
from New Delhi
14 years ago

Hello Shrikant.

I like your website. But trust me friend, to launch something new you got to be little more innovative. This is just like billion other post submission websites/blogs running around. Sorry if I sound negative, but I couldn't find many postives in it! Hope you take it positively and work out something cool and creative! Smile



Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

The idea looks impressive. Good work. Like the template of the website too. :D

Shrikant Joshi
from Pune
14 years ago

Hey Sanjay!

Thanks for the kind words. I hope it takes off. :)

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago
@Shrikant My best wishes. It surely would :)
Shrikant Joshi
Shrikant Joshi
from Pune
14 years ago

@Saurav: Thanks for the honest opinion. I agree that this is 'just like billion other post submission websites/blogs running around,' but I had to see for myself. People don't really learn unless they do it themselves, no? :)

Anyway, I've a few ideas (again, not too original, I know) that I hope to implement for the I guess I'll try to be more innovative the next time around. For now, this is an attempt & a beginning that I'm gonna have to follow through. :)

BTW, I liked your stories. They have a very interesting, tugging flavor to them...

Keep writing!

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